Thursday 18 December 2014

An Open Letter to Russell Brand.


For those of you who have never heard of Russell Brand (above), he is a foul-mouthed British 'comedian', ex-junkie, and extreme left wing rabble rouser.

Brand has in recent times become the darling of the left with his 'let's bash the rich' puerile diatribe. Certain people just love to hear his type of bile, his amusing way of garbling the English language, and his almost incomprehensible gutter accent; but analyse his words and one finds nothing but anarchistic Marxism.

His current fixation is 'The City'; London's, and the world's, financial center. One of England's greatest success stories.

Brand's other fixation is Nigel Farage; ex-City commodities trader and leader of UKip (a new UK political party dedicated to pulling out of the EU).

His two fixations sit conveniently together.

So, Mr Brand, let me explain something to you..... and I'll try to make it simple.

In 2013 The City made a record trade surplus of £61 Billion; yes Mr Brand SIXTY ONE BILLION QUID. And is on target to increase that for 2014.

It is estimated that each and every worker in the financial sector contributes £83,000 to the economy, compared with £46,000 for other sectors. See here for details.

Just in case your knowledge of maths is similar to that of the English language, let me give a simple example for you to understand what this means. A hospital costs roughly £500,000,000 to build; the City's contribution to the economy could therefore build over 100 such hospitals per annum. Is your junior idealism really worth throwing all that away?

Mr Brand, let me tell you another thing. The financial sector employs 2 Million workers; two thirds of whom are based outside of The City of London. Your silly hatred of the financial world is an insult to ALL those workers.

Rant all you will Mr Brand, but don't forget to read up on the facts before opening your big mouth. Your idiotic adversarial (not 'adversal', Russell) remarks may well get you on Radio and TV, but there's a real world out there, and it needs to be respected; not attacked and belittled.

And do remember, if your beloved Socialists ever get elected again; they'll probably be very grateful for that SIXTY ONE BILLION QUID in the coffers.


  1. Well said. He's an idiot and a foul mouthed one at that !

  2. Jemima Khan, what was she thinking about going out with him? At least she saw the light and kicked him out. Perhaps he will shack up with Polly Toynbee and all her Guardian mates if he isn't already. . He is a complete imbecile and embarrassingly thick.

    1. And yet he's given all this air-time (I suppose I'm adding to it).

      My estimation of Imran continues to rise, and that of Jemima to decline.

  3. A ignorant lunatic at large is what he is.

  4. Cro I bet you feel better for getting that of your chest before Christmas.

  5. I cant wait for them to say if we are allowed to vote on an English parliament. Will all of Labour move north to Scotland?

  6. You may be interested in what good Australian cultural commentators think:

    1. She was very kind to him, but it was written about 2 months ago; and as we all know, a week is a long time in politics. He's very recently made himself look like the complete arse, which he is.

  7. My thoughts are it's easy to be a champagne socialist, would he be happy to give up his fortune to build hospitals and support worthy causes? Secondly since when did having a career as a fifth rate so called comedian qualify you to comment on politics and the economy and why on earth should we listen? What a moron.

    1. Being a fifth rate comedian or actor doesn't slow anyone down from commenting on politics, or the economy, or medicine, or anything else here in the States.

  8. Always nice to read a rant backed up with solid facts and figures...too bad he won't understand a word of it.

  9. I hope you won't mind a dissenting voice among you and your commentators who so charmingly and eloquently deem Brand an "idiot". You may dislike him, you may disagree with him - that doesn't make him an idiot.

    How amusing that you accuse him of bile when that is what you are pouring onto him. And what has being an ex-junkie got to do with his views of the world? Presumably the emphasis is on EX - so maybe hats off to him that he conquered a demon many fight in vain.

    "Big mouth"? Yes, such lovely curved full lips. Such a twinkle in his eye. Such enthusiasm. A man in his prime. But then you wouldn't be the first slightly older man pouring scorn on a younger still ebullient one.

    Whatever the ins and outs of your interpretation of the City's merits you undermined your own reasoning by your scathing personal attack. Pity. I actually thought quite highly of you.


    1. It is said that you can judge a person's personality by their attitude towards Brand's infamous radio broadcast, and his recent 'Question Time' appearance. I think you just failed! Please don't visit again; I really can't tolerate idiots.

    2. Find a recording of when he was on. desert island discs on Radio 4 Bitch. He was I am telling you totally thick.

    3. Some people LIKE thick; not me!

  10. Wise words about how to do links Cro - my pen and paper are ready for when my son makes an appearance (any minute now) to collect their Christmas cake. A fair exchange I think.
