Monday 27 October 2014

Thank you Amy!

I don't normally have anything to do with blogging prompts, but seeing as this one was from the lovely Amy Saia (here) I shall make an exception.

She asks me to list 7 'lovely' facts about myself. Believe me; I've had difficulty (I've had to ignore the 'lovely' bit).

1. I am a card-holding insomniac. I sleep for about 3 hours each night, then lie awake listening to one of about 3 all-night radio stations (through an ear-piece) until exactly 5.30am, when I get up and write my daily blog.

2. My first dog was called Hamlet (not named by me). Hamlet was a scruffy black-n-tan mutt. For a while we lived next door to a family who owned a huge Great Dane called Sam. Somehow their names seemed to have been confused at birth.

3. I'm a bit of a skinflint when it comes to clothing. Even the shoes I'm now wearing are falling to bits and have holes in their soles. I don't throw anything out until it disintegrates (see above).

4. I've rowed 8's at Henley, The Serpentine, and The Cambridge Bumps; always unsuccessfully.

5. The one human quality I dislike above all others is 'prim' (self-consciously finicky, namby pamby, puritanical, pretentious, etc).

6. The older I become, the more I can confirm my dire lack of general knowledge.

7. Every morning, without fail, I wake-up HAPPY.

You will be pleased to hear that I shall not be nominating anyone to continue this malarky, but if it would amuse you, please do follow my example.


  1. My husband has the same attitude towards clothes as you. I refuse to mend clothes that are falling apart because the thread is rotting -- but that doesn't put him off getting the needle and thread himself or, if handy, a safety pin.

    1. A man after my own heart. Safety Pins are wonderful.

  2. I don't believe 6 for one minute. You seem very knowledgeable to me.

    1. It's only when one has a certain amount of knowledge that one realises how little one really knows. The only people who think they know everything are those who know very little.

  3. Hello - number seven for me - because how could you not be happy living amongst that beautiful countryside - reading your previous blog - what an amazing experience to see the crane migration - an ambition of mine

    1. The Cranes are a fabulous sight; both leaving and returning.

  4. Glad you are not nominating anyone Cro because I hate these things too, but it has been interesting to read things about you. I am an insomniac sometimes - I get up and sit downstairs by the Aga and read. Trying to lie in bed for me is agony, I need to walk around.

  5. Nights can be agony for me. I so miss being able to sleep. I am usually happy when I wake up at 5 because I know the struggle of the night before is over.

    Most men I know are very much like you when it comes to clothes.

  6. You wake up happy. This is a gift of outlook we could all learn from!

    1. I consider this as a 'gilf' myself. I know so many people who get up already in a bad mood; I feel so sorry for them.

  7. I love your answers Cro, especially no.7 …. I pretty much always wake up happy. My husband doesn't sleep much but all of my family { including me } can sleep for England.Our son and daughter can get on a plane bound for Australia, fall asleep on take-off and wake up in Australia !!!! My Dad could sleep anywhere, anytime. He was also very much like you and never got rid of anything until it fell apart. He had a video recorder held together with rubber bands and a bag of broken watch straps that he was going to mend !!!! I'm not quite as bad as that ! XXXX

    1. If I could sleep all the way to Oz, I might be tempted to visit my daughter. As it way!

  8. I love sleep, typically sleep very soundly, and wake up sleepy most mornings. I'm not naturally an early riser unless i'm camping or on a boat.

  9. It is a gift to wake up happy.

  10. My favourite gardening trousers finally disintegrated this summer. I am bereft. But I always wake up happy (unless I have an appointment with the dentist).

  11. Waking up happy is no doubt attributable in large part to that lovely lady sleeping next to you. Without her...well.

  12. I am sooooo with you on number three
    Heart and soul

  13. Another card carrying insomniac here, Cro, and I'm with you on number 6 as well. The older I get the more I realise how little I know. (So different to my younger days when of course I knew everything!). I wish I could join you on number 7 but I generally wake up grumpy as a result of number 1.

  14. I always wake up happy. I go to bed happy but I don't always remember it.

  15. Hello Cro! Number 6 my personal favorite. What I know today I KNOW I will forget tomorrow.

  16. I could tell you woke up early (and happy) as your comments appear late night here in the U.S. Not sure how you make it through the day on three hours of sleep though! Looks like you need some new of footwear. Maybe some fuzzy bunny slippers . . .

  17. it was nice to get to know you a little better :-)
