Sunday 26 October 2014


One of my nearby neighbours is trying to raise some cash for an upcoming holiday to Spain.

He's made these bird nesting boxes (with some help I imagine) which he brought round to the house yesterday to sell. At €10 each they were a teeny bit expensive, but the cause was the important bit; we are always happy to buy stuff from the local kids, and bought two.

Samuel (pronounced Sam-well, as in the Spanish name Mig-well) is about 12, and is a really nice boy. He and his little 6 year old sister Zara lugged a huge bag-full of bird-boxes around our tiny hamlet; I do hope he sold them all.

Merçi Sam-well; I'll let you know when they're occupied.


  1. What neat bird boxes and what an innovative young lad! Happy Sunday to you, Cro.

    1. Thank you Jo. Yes, I love it when kids show initiative. Our clocks have just changed so my Sunday morning is feeling a bit odd.

    2. When told the reason for daylight savings time the old indian said, "Only the government would believe you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket".

    3. When you put it like that.......

  2. That's lovely. And so much better than playing computer games. Good for you to encouraging them.

    1. He could have used a few tips from you Kev. You might even be able to see in the photo that he's used very small pins to hold the things together. I've actually now reinforced them with a few bigger nails.

  3. It is pitch black out there - I hate getting up in the dark! It is refreshing to see kids wanting to earn money instead of just being given it - hope he does well, the bird boxes look really sturdy. We put some up last year a blue tit took residence unfortunately she abandoned the nest and we found three mummified chicks inside.

    1. I's just getting light now, which is much better for me as I can take the dogs out at 7.30am rather than 8.30am. Sorry to hear about the blue tits; maybe next year.

  4. Bonjour. J'aime le bird box. I hope Sam-well's pockets are loaded with money now. It is light here so it must be morning.

    1. I'm just back with the dogs; found more Cèpes!

    2. It is 7.30 and I am in bed. Go away.

    3. I can hear MOTD (?) in the background, so I can appreciate your 'grasse matinée'.

    4. I just discovered we changed the clocks too. That is why I am all here and there.

  5. You are kind. Samuel and sister are industrious. My compliments and admiration. You did good, Cro.

    1. I don't know about 'kind', but the small birds should be happy.

  6. I wouldn't have made them for 10 Euros - especially weather-treated! They are - in the words of my German friend - 'rather charming'.

    1. I much prefer them to the current mode for poncey thatched windmills, etc.

  7. I do like to see this sort of enterprise from the young, so good luck Sam-well.

  8. Good for him...there must be something afoot...we had a child pulling a basket of home grown veggies around the neighborhood this summer .... said she was selling them for a trip to Spain as well. Hmmmmm.

  9. They look amazingly like the little bird houses my granddaughter made last year. She found the pattern on the internet. We hung them in a little oak grove, and made one wren extremely happy. He could tend all his little families in one small circuit.

  10. You should keep them next to a window so you can see them coming and going. Around here, you'd get to watch the squirrels too.

  11. Young Sam has made a lovely job of his bird boxes You are kind buying them and I hope he gets lots of sales all around the village. The birds will love them.

  12. Very handsome, bird boxes, Cro, and well done you for buying two of them. They look quite perfect for the French countryside.

  13. Very nice, they look a lot like the bluebird boxes I've seen sold here, only they are unpainted and unfinished. I hope Sam-well does very well and can go to Spain.
