Saturday 18 October 2014

Silly Political Parties.


Is the UK alone in having a plethora of silly political parties? France doesn't seem to have any!

The above (showing Cameron winning his seat back in 2010) is quite typical of the UK's choice of General Election candidates. A few loonies, plus one or two slightly more mainstream loonies.

Just to give you an idea of some of the UK's more lacklustre parties; here are a few....

No Candidates Deserve My Vote Party.
Revolutionary (Marxist Leninist) Communist Party of Great Britain.
Church Of The Militant Elvis Party.
Fancy Dress Party.
Idle Toad Party.
Miss Great Britain Party.
Rock-n-Roll Loony Party..... There are hundreds.

The Monster Raving Loony Party (candidate far right above) has been a part of UK politics since the early 1980's, and would now be much missed at election time were they to pack-up.

What loony parties do you have where you live (no jokes about Socialists please)?


  1. here (Israel) we had the law of nature party which was for meditation. I read that in Russia they had a month without news party and in Poland the beer lovers party.

  2. I have to say I often vote for one of the 'silly' parties. I feel it is important to vote, otherwise it just looks like apathy. I'm not apathetic, just don't like any of my current 'normal' choices.

  3. My friend Nigel raised the money to stand for the 'Lets have a party' Party in Exeter a few years back. I think he should resurrect it. I reckon with the choice with have these days he could do well.

  4. The Monster Raving Loonie Party holds their annual convention here at the Bath Hilton. I once spent an evening with Maurice Hope - the only MRL candidate ever to get voted in. They didn't see him coming.

  5. Well, there was the Natural Law party, which involved flying yogis...

  6. We have a chap running for mayor who hasn't worn shoes in years as an objection to sweat shop tactics and comes to mayoralty debates wearing a stove pipe hat. In spite of his odd non conformist appearance he actually has some very good ideas. He won't get elected of course because he 'doesn't look right'.

  7. We have loony parties, but we just call them Democrats and Republicans

    1. Now, I said no jokes about Socialists (or Tories).

  8. Is that Jeremy Paxman in the middle there somewhere?

  9. I like Yael's Month without News Party find best. Wouldn't that be great!

  10. Although we still have silly political parties, none of them live up to Screaming Lord Sutch. XXXX

  11. What is with the clown dressed as Boss Hogg from the Dukes of Hazard on the right?

    1. One of their policies is 'Free sweets for children'.

  12. When I first came to the UK in 1980 I fell in love with British politics -- it was so interesting and there was so much passion in people's beliefs. Over the years it has become more and more like American political campaigns -- though Americans would still have to go a long way to get anything as wonderful as the cut and thrust of Prime Minister's Question Time.
