Friday 17 October 2014

New Windows.

Things do progress up at the barn; but slowly. We now have pukka windows!

What we don't have are the two bathrooms, a kitchen, interior walls, insulation, and electricity (although the actual cables are now inside).

It's an interesting exercise, taking an old run-down building and making it into a ti-tech modern home. Lots of highs, lots of lows, and plenty of frustration.

With a small child about to take up residence (and hopefully a few more to come) we have chosen windows that not only open sideways but also swing-down open from the top, making them Bunny-proof.

Our carpenter has promised to return this weekend.... we'll see if we can find something for him to do!


  1. Looking good those windows. At least your life is never boring & am sure you could keep your carpenter busy for a long time.

  2. Since I just started following your blog, I did not know about the barn.
    What a fabulous building.
    The x and I remodeled every home we lived in and when it was finish he would sell it on to the next one. He was an architect /developer.
    So I know what your dealing with.
    My sympathies

    cheers, parsnip

    1. It's been an ongoing project for the past 3 years. Finding good tradesmen, and not always having the money, have been our major problems; but I expect that is always the case.

  3. Windows! Progress indeed. The Barn is going to make a wonderful Bunny residence.

  4. I hope I'm still around to see it finally finished - it's a big project.

    1. I think it might be finished by next summer.... but me too!

  5. Why don't I write posts like this?

  6. Are they coming to live there full time ?
    Jan - Yeppoon

    1. Probably (knowing them) semi-permanently. My son doesn't like the cold, so he'll probably over-winter somewhere warmer. Lady Magnon is a Yeppoon fan!

    2. She is obviously a lady of great taste!
      We are sitting on 25 degrees with clear blue sky and a gentle sea breeze this morning. I am truly grateful to be living here.

  7. How lucky the bunny and his/her family will be to live in such a lovely house - and to live in France too. Take advantage of such opportunities while one is young I say - because there comes a time when it is all to late.

    1. They certainly make the most of life; I thoroughly approve.

  8. Bunnies 'rabbit hutch' is coming along. Hope you make the deadline.

    1. They're not too 'precious', so even if it's not 100% finished they won't mind. Although I can't speak for Bunny.

  9. Home is where the heart is - and the windows, and the bathrooms, and the insulation and so forth, and so forth.

    How wonderful for you and your family to be able to share your beautiful piece of land. That was the way life used to be.

    1. I love the old idea of several generations all living in one big house. This won't be quite like that, but we'll be very close neighbours.

  10. Sounds like it's come full circle, and just in time! That really is a great idea to turn a barn structure into a living space. Love it.

    1. It's coming along Amy.... maybe 8-10 months more (leisurely) work.

  11. an important step in the building progress-lovely to see it coming along

  12. The old barn is looking great, how exciting to watch its progress no matter how slow.

  13. Your barn is looking really good. Finding good tradesmen is the answer even if it does take a bit longer.

    1. Not easy Molly.... that's half our problem.
