Wednesday 29 October 2014

Early morning walk, late October 2014.

Now that the clocks have gone back by an hour, my early morning walks are lighter and more comfortable. Above is Chateau Cro in 7.30am sunlight, with the barn in the distance.

For the past week or so, the Chestnut woods have been deserted and silent; leaves are already beginning to fall.

All that now remains of the harvest are these piles of empty husks.

The horses are less flyblown, some decent grass is growing, and one can tell by their demeanor that they love the early mornings (Chateau Cro again in distance).


With literally 100's of productive Chestnut trees all around us, one would think it unnecessary to plant one of our own; but yesterday I did just that. Self-sufficiency is the name of the game these days. The variety I've chosen is called 'Marsol' (not Arsol); it's quite early fruiting, and produces very large nuts that fall easily out of their husks (very important).

As you can see, I've also wire-netted it against the bloody Deer. 

I've given it plenty of space; they grow into BIG trees. First Chestnuts are due in 2021.


  1. The autumnal colors in your landscape are lovely, Co! And I like seeing the boys' treehouse in that last one. What a beautiful home you have!

  2. It is all looking good. I also noticed the treehouse waiting for the boys return.

  3. Well can you believe i've never had a chestnut...a shame really... chestnuts roasting on an open fire and all that. I hope to one day. Good luck with your tree and thank you so much for sharing your love pictures. :) Hugs! deb

    1. Jinxxxy, there are bound to be thousands of things I've not eaten too. I live in a big Chestnut growing area. For most Europeans they are an essential part of Winter.

  4. Such a lovely setting, your home nestled in the trees, with the early morning sun turning everything gold. The barn looks rather grand too.

  5. I love the early morning walks after the clocks change ... For a short while peace descends upon the earth. Your kingdom is very beautiful, indeed, Cro!

  6. I will make a mental note to check with you in 2021.

  7. How beautiful! My morning dog walk ( very soon) is going to be under a grey sky and drizzle!

  8. Looks like a little bit if paradise.

  9. Mornings are wonderful for just a few weeks this time of year aren't they? This morning as I sat up in bed with my early morning tea, apart from thousands of rooks going past the window I also saw a huge skein of wild geese going from South East to North West and calling to one another as they went.
    Your little patch of Eden looks most inviting.

  10. Seven years from planting to fruit eh Cro. How old was the tree you planted may I ask?

    Jo in Auckland, NZ

  11. Beautiful photos Cro. It's raining in the UK today. (But we are off to stay with Little Stalky in November for three months and then it will be almost time for our return!)

    1. Lucky you. Lady M's not going this year (I think). Do give my best wishes to Little Stalky.

    2. It's 22 C here (in the shade). Wonderful weather. But all change next week, we are promised rain.

  12. It's all so beautiful, Cro.

  13. Our time goes back this will be nice to see the sun a little sooner.

  14. Looks to be a second barn in the last photo, is that a neighbors or a future project of yours?

    1. It belongs to a friend (farmer neighbour), she is working on it at the same time. We bought them together, took one each, and divided the land.

  15. My Gracie is enjoying the cooler air, kicking up her heel and snorting and running with abandon.

  16. What amazing light you have there.

    1. Not always Sol, but mostly the air is totally clear; lovely.

  17. I love all the gorgeous colours in these photos! our clocks go back tonight. They messed around with the dates a couple of years back. Makes me crazy!
