Thursday 30 October 2014

Be Prepared.

No point hiding our heads in the sand, it's gonna get COLD; and soon.

Jean-Claude delivered our Oak yesterday (above). I reckon we've got enough.

I don't normally prepare too many logs in advance; it makes me lazy. But I've sawn and split about 3 cubic metres 'just in case'.

And this is my pile of Chestnut 'tree trunks'. I've bought a new chain for the Husqvarna; some of these babies are HUGE. 

We have roughly another 8 cubic metres of Chestnut about to arrive; it's all one metre length, dry, and ready split. All it'll need is sawing in half.

Overkill maybe, but at least we shouldn't go cold this winter.  


  1. Your firebox is larger than it looks taking 500 mm pieces of wood.

  2. Nothing wrong with overkill when it comes to wood for the winter.

  3. A well stocked woodpile is a beautiful sight! Almost as good as the fire itself...

  4. I agree with The Broad - a beautiful sight indeed. Are the chestnut lengths from coppiced trees?

    1. They come from a plantation where the trees were planted too close together (on purpose). After about 10 productive years they were thinned to allow every other one to expand. I took advantage.

  5. Who is going to have big biceps then ?

    1. Me, I guess. Although my daily Winter sawing and chopping is not too rigorous.

  6. You can't have too much wood. No such thing! Your photos are tantamount to pornography around here.

  7. Love the log piles. We have a huge one in the shed and of course, being a farm, we have plenty more lying about ready to be sawn up. We have never run out yet (fingers crossed)

  8. Wise to have some split in advance. One never knows what can crop up over a winter. Wood heat is lovely.

  9. It must be a relief to know all that wood is stacked and ready to heat your home this winter.

    The American Chestnut tree was almost wiped out at the beginning of the 20th century and has not returned.

  10. Highs well up in the 80's here this week, though they're promising us a cool down by the weekend. I going to finally clean the upstairs tv room as it will finally be cool enough to start going up there again.
    I like your woodpile, we have gas fireplaces which are warm and clean, but I do miss the smell of a wood fire.

    1. Cooler weather, and some rain, expected here next week too... sounds international. We did light a fire a few days back, but the house was sweltering!

  11. Still in my flip flops, but our first freeze is coming Halloween. Why don't they deliver the wood already chopped, unless you just enjoy chopping wood.

    1. Cut into metre lengths is what we consider 'already chopped'. The rest is called 'exercise'.

  12. Keep splitting and stacking it. Old Putin will surely shut the gas off on you all come January.

  13. Your stash of logs look good. My brother-in-law delivered a trailer load of logs for us yesterday which was very much appreciated. Our weather is supposed to turn colder next week.

  14. You look all set for winter! We burned through every stick of wood last winter, then had to order in more. I'm hoping this year we'll have enough. We were supposed to get some snow overnight but I don' t see any this morning. Stay warm!
