Thursday 9 October 2014

Do you know how bloody stupid you look?.

Am I the only person who finds this photo not only dim-wittedly stupid, but also rather offensive?

It seems that almost every female 'celeb', model, singer, actress, or wannabe, is desperate to take her clothes off in order to demonstrate how sexually desirable she is. And then some editorial twit comes along and sticks a couple of 'vanity patches' over the bits she's so desperately proud of.

In its way this is no big deal, but then perleeeze don't go running to the press to complain that young women are simply being seen as sex objects, or that some hacker has posted your 'naughty' pictures (the ones you didn't want anyone to see) all over the web. You've created the situation yourselves, and, as 'role-models' are demonstrating to more susceptible young girls that this is how one advances in life.

Many schoolgirls already seem to consider school-time simply as a fashion parade (when they're not sending intimate photos of themselves to boys). Maybe in future when some spotty photographer asks them to get their kit off for some saucy snaps (as with old skinny, above)..... they could always try saying NO. No?

p.s. I wonder what's so naughty underneath those two tiny black patches; the mind boggles. Silly girl.


  1. She needs a decent meal or three.

  2. From her navel down she seems quite 'normal', from her navel up she looks half starved.

  3. She looks like a normal healthy young woman to me and if you were to adopt that pose then you would appear slimmer too. Try standing in front of a mirror & see how you look ?

    1. This has nothing to do with how she 'looks', it's to do with all those little 'stars in their eyes' darlings who find it imperative to get their kit off. When I was younger, film stars such as Margaret Rutherford, or Hattie Jacques, did not seem to find this necessary (ahem).

    2. I am surprised by your criticism Cro considering you have a BA in Fine Art. For like you I was at Art College too and attended the Life Class to study & draw the nude forms of females & males. Regardless of the age nudes have always been around - I refer to Greek & Roman statues etc, nothing wrong with them and nothing wrong with the nudes of today either.

    3. The time I spent in life-rooms has little to do with every wannabe bimbo getting her kit off for the red-tops. Anyway, our models were usually of the Hattie Jacques variety, rather than Katie Price.

  4. When there is so much more that they could do as role models, they simply choose to take their clothes of instead. I think a lot of them need to decide whether they are actor/actresses, or page three models.

    1. My thoughts exactly, Gary.

    2. agreed. and, for the record, let's add the dolled up 'news' women on the U.S. news programs. Over the top jewelry and make-up and hair. Tarted up seems to be the norm over here, and I'm tired of watching Barbie Dolls report the news.

  5. It's a lot of fuss over such tiny breasts...not sure what context the photo was taken doesn't appear to be art

  6. Most people, in my opinion, no matter how attractive they are, look much better with some clothes on!

  7. I have stared long and hard at this photo, but I still haven't decided whether or not I find it silly or offensive. I'll give it another go tonight.

    1. I was waiting for Tom's comment ….. he lived up to all expectations and didn't disappoint !!
      You're so right about celebrity rudey-nudey photos and sex tapes …. don't they think that there's a chance they might be emblazoned all over the tabloids ? I shall answer my own question …. Yes, they do and that is why they do it !!!! XXXX

    2. We can always rely on Tom.

    3. I too have stared at it. I see nothing sexy at all about her and no tits to speak of. Ends of story.

  8. I haven't a clue who this is? but I think her lovely body should be kept private.

    1. I think she's an underwear model, but she forgot to put the top bit on.

  9. We either have to all grow up and accept the fact that we all have bodies underneath our clothes and it's no big deal OR young women need to be told to keep their clothes on in public. It's not rocket science really.

  10. My husband says she's way too skinny to be sexy.
    And I agree whole heartedly with you about celebs and their "leaked" photos.

  11. I must say it doesn't do anything for me

  12. She has a very pretty face.

  13. I wouldn't have thought much of it until I had girls of my own. Now I see much more clearly what the media ram down our throats.

  14. Like you, i wonder at the stupidity of these folks who take nudies of themselves and then whinge when the photos are leaked.

  15. My only issue with this is that these women are the reason that women are viewed as sexual objects. And it annoys the hell out of me.
    We were naked on the day we were born. Breasts are feeding tools. But people still can't get over that because the media (among others) have placed a taboo on the female (and male) form. What is it that we don't want our children to see? A naked body? We all have one. It's underneath our clothes. The quicker people get over this fact the happier we shall all be :) And i mean this in the nicest way possible
