Friday 10 October 2014

Autumn = Rain

I don't dislike rain, I just wish it would arrive at night.

Heavy rain was forecast for yesterday, so it came as no surprise. Luckily I had taken the dogs out before the real deluge arrived; Lady Magnon ignored my advice and was not so lucky. The above little clip was taken whilst she was out (drowned rat).

Like many people I find the sound of rain at night very soporific. I've heard of Aussies who've changed their roofs from corrugated iron to tiles, only to change them back again because they missed the sound so much.

We're still hoping for mushrooms (Cèpes) here. If the end of September's downpour doesn't bring them up this weekend, then I'm sure that the present rain will do the job for around the 20th. Usually one counts 10 days after the rain, and up they pop. So, go on; you can rain all day.

As that well known sage, Dolly Parton, once said "If you want a rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain".

I'm taking the compact Royce for her two-yearly Controle Technique (MOT) test this morning. I may be in a really foul mood when I return, but my fingers are crossed.


  1. Once in two years? you are lucky. I just paid someone to take my car to the once a year test.Iwish it was raining here but not before I shall find somebody to take all the olive leafs from the roof. ( the number of the sombodies that i need to all the jobs is endless).

    1. Yes, once every two years here, and no road tax. I have a very slight steering problem (she pulls slightly to the right), so I'm expecting it to fail.

  2. It's funny that since I've become a stay at home dad I don't mind the rain so much. I used to hate knowing I'd got to spend all day in waterproofs on a roof somewhere.

    1. It's raining here again today, but quite 'gently'. I'm off to look for mushrooms.


    1. You can relax for two more years with it. Mine comes up in January. The car is 8 years old, the longest I have ever kept a car. P's cars are always at least 15 years old so he considers mine to be nearly new.

  4. I used to have a little electric gadget that played different relaxing sounds and rain was one of them. I like the frame you made for the video.

    1. I used to have a BBC album called 'Relaxing Sounds'; most of involved either water or birdsong.

  5. We miss the sound of rain on our tin veranda roof. Although we have a similar roof on our new house you can't hear the rain because of the insulation. That is, if it ever rained !!

  6. I'm still trying to make my mind up about the woman with the insulating-tape on her knockers.

  7. That IS a soaker. Here autumn means rain and wind. The combination brings the leaves down in torrents.

  8. I do love the rain in moderation. I love those days when I can use he rain as an excuse to just curl up on the couch and watch a good movie (or two) and just veg my day away. The world outside my window drinks and I rest. It is all good.

    1. It's still raining. I think I might follow your advice.

  9. I knew it is a good thing to be in company (sort of) with you english (franch) people. Now it is still 31c BUT it is raining and there is a thunder storm.

    1. Rain and 16C here..... I've just lit a fire; our first this autumn.

  10. It's been raining here for two days...I love it.
    Good luck with the mushroom hunting!

  11. If the mushrooms arrive I shall be very jealous.

    Good luck with the car.

    1. I'm now told that they'll emerge on Monday.

  12. Looks like my wedding day.The only let up was about an hour window where we shook hands in an outside receiving line (small church) and took a few photos. Rain started again, so handshakes and outside photos were done.

    Glad your car passed inspection!

  13. Wow, that's a deluge for sure. I love the rain. My last house had an iron roof and the sound was very soothing. This house has a tile roof, it's not the same. Good news about your car, and every two years? What luck! It's six-monthly here.
