Monday 1 September 2014

The Whys and Wherefores.


As with so many bloggers, my page was originally conceived  to inform our three internationally-dispersed children about the antics of their parents; this continues to be the case, other than on a very few exceptions when I become incensed by certain examples of human behaviour. And, yes, my children DO read my page, they just don't leave comments.

I talk of my vegetable garden (Haddock's), my amateur building skills, bucolic wisdom, our local gastronomy, my dinky village, our grandchildren, the dogs, and a few other family related subjects.

Occasionally I also poke fun at accepted 'rights and wrongs', whilst leaving veiled clues as to my own rather liberal private views.

A blog is a wonderful platform for expressing oneself on limitless subjects. However, from time to time the loonies turn up and try to bring extreme politics or opinions into an otherwise peaceful frame, which I find rather sad.

I must have lived a very sheltered life because I've never previously been 'threatened' simply for expressing my dislike of decapitation, rape, and torture; but these 'internet trolls' are out there, and as pathetic as they may sound, they DO need to be taken seriously.

So may I now declare that if you are an extremist of any political colour, it might be wiser to leave your comments on a page that is dedicated to such ( In fact, if such nescient comments appear here in future, I have decided that I shall delete them at once.

I have nothing against a wide variety of viewpoints, in fact I thrive on them; it's just the plain asinine, and/or expletive-laden, lower IVth form comments are no longer welcome.

Before you open your mouth, choose profound over profanity; because profanity never inspired change. Anon.

Have a cool, calm, and creative day!


  1. Good for you! Depriving them of the attention they're desperate for is the best response to trolls and loonies.

    Enjoy your day! :)

  2. Amen. I just hope that it is not the same troll who commented on my blog.Deleted him anyway.

  3. Well done, Cro. You delete those trolls with their extremist views and venting via comments on your blog. I love blogging for the same reasons as you do, although none of my family read my page. I have many others who follow me and that makes me happy. Have a great day. Jo

  4. Some people eh! Loving the quote about profoundness over profanity. Like you one of the reasons that I started blogging was to keep in touch with family a long way away. It has brought me closer to Mum and Dad. Keep up what you're doing by the way. The occasional rant sandwiched in between veg talk posts is entirely acceptable!

    1. I need to let off steam occasionally; don't we all?

  5. Keep on keeping on - these people are just not worth worrying about and as you say easily deleted.

  6. Very well said my good man.

  7. Nicely done Cro.

  8. FWIW, your views are quite normal from where I stand. And the nutters need to be dealt with swiftly. If you go to your settings page on you blog dashboard you can make it so all comments need your approval before they are even published and it saves you a lot of troubles. Also you can limit comments to only those from your subscribers.

    1. I do genuinely enjoy a wide variety of comments, it's just the sad weirdos that worry me. I'd rather they visit the shrink than visit me here.

  9. Replies
    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the picture; I really couldn't think of anything else.

  10. I would love to stamp that quote everywhere x

  11. PS: Sorry to see you bomb post MIA. Please under any circumstances do not allow the bullies to think they can threaten and censor your posts.

  12. I totally agree, the opinions expressed on my blog are mine, if they offend you read else where.
    Love your blog.

  13. I hate it when these 'internet trolls' trash your site with uncalled for comments or anything else

  14. I am so sorry. I now understand why it happaned.

  15. I've never had a troll and like you I have no "moderation" thingy so I guess it will happen some day, but I think I would quite enjoy deleting someone who was a prat! Good for you, stay as you are'll do!

  16. I have been out of blog land for a bit so must have missed the goings on that you described, sorry you had to deal with any unpleasant vermin. I actually stopped blogging for a time for just the same reason, I was so shocked that anyone would leave comments as they did that I just shut down.

  17. I had a very brief but disturbing comment on an old post the other day. That post draws outrage sadly and I do delete (not just remove) antagonistic comments. The commenter's google site made awful reading and I guess that was my first troll. Easy to delete but it still makes you feel a bit sick afterwards doesn't it. I do enjoy your view of the world. Keep it up.
