Tuesday 2 September 2014

Proof, if needed.

                                            Derbyshire Fairy Hoax

It used to be a common question; 'Do you believe in fairies'?

Well, proof is now available, and, yes, they really DO exist. This mummified example above comes from deepest Derbyshire, where traditionally they believe in almost anything.

Oh that Conan Doyle was still alive to see the vicious slurs against him rescinded.

Only one question about fairies remains to be answered; why do they always live at the bottom of gardens?


  1. I always believed in fairies. but it is good to see a proof.

  2. They live at the bottom of gardens so they have front row seats to watch the sloth like antics of us slow witted humans....their version of soap operas me thinks.

  3. If the Fins can have Elves, then we can have Fairies. It's only fair. Irish Fairies are about 7 feet tall.

    1. In Ireland they're generally known as the Sihde, and resemble bearded, druidical, tall-necked, grey birds.

  4. I thought Fairies are the same all over the world.Have to think about it again.

  5. Ah, but this proves only that a mummified fairy exists in the deepest Derbyshire, leaving open the larger questions.

  6. I'm sure we have fairies in the garden here too ( Ontario, Canada) but come Winter they probably fly south to Florida just to keep their little wings warm.
    So what do you think the post would be to send a basket of those quince here? Ha! Import rules probably restrict it but oh what a fantastic jam they make!
    Enjoy the day.

    1. Doesn't France and Canada have a reciprocal Quince agreement?

  7. In answer to your question Cro - the voice of reason tells me that it is because that is where the dead leaves are swept and all other dead matter that can make this 'fairy' - however - the voice of unreason tells me that yes - there are fairies and they keep at the bottom of the garden well out of the way.

  8. They probably hang out at the bottom of gardens so they can be close to humans and crazy glue.

    1. It's probably the humans who converse with the fairies who need the 'crazy glue'.

  9. Our fairies live indoors - we call them the housework fairies - when no one is looking they wash the clothes and iron them, cook the food etc. They are what the husband believes do all the work around here. If only.

    1. Ours bring thousands of spiders into the house. I don't know how they get there otherwise!

  10. Of course there are fairies, Doyle knew it and so do I.

  11. They live in Oregon as well! A perfect example, the wife has been after me to clean out the garage for at least a month. I finally went to do it yesterday and it was already done. I went in and asked her who had cleaned it and she looked at me with a disgusted expression and said “fairies” as if I should have known they existed.

  12. All I know is that my fairies don't look like that!

  13. I'm trying to think of an acerbic response to someone who says that Derbyshire folk believe almost anything. But can't think of a single thing to say. I suppose we could be accused of worse things!

    1. It was simply a jibe at one 'particular' Derbyshire man, but he doesn't seem to have turned up today; thank goodness.

  14. I doubt you would be surprised that I believe in fairies

  15. I'm being stalked by one of the druid fairies described somewhere here earlier today.

  16. My six-year old granddaughter certainly believes in fairies. So much so, she has just finished a fairy house and garden for them. There's even a guest "house". For Santa no doubt!

    1. Good for her, but don't show her the above picture!
