Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Long and Winding Road.

The boys are now back from Béziers. They stayed at Sérignan Plage, just outside the main town.

In fact Harvey J was so enamoured that during the return journey he decided to draw a map, so that he could always find his way back again.

As you can see it was quite a windy road; the observant viewer might also spot a church and 2 bridges that were passed en route.

I shall certainly be using this detailed route map if ever I go down to Béziers; far more interesting than Sat Nav.


  1. I reckon the boys are pulling your leg. Looking at that map they've been to Paris, not Beziers!

    1. He drew it upside down, with Béziers in the North, and Grumpy's in the South. He'd never get a job with Ordnance Survey.

  2. A lot of thought and effort went into that map! Well done young man.( I will stick with the sat nav)

  3. Creative boy. Much prefer this map to sat nav. I have just been studying a circa 1700 map with West at the top, so why not have South at the top?

  4. This reminds me of the map my elderly friend drew so that our German mates could find their way from the Cotswolds to London.

    It consisted of a tree, London, and one road in between them. They have saved it for posterity.

    1. Sounds like the perfect map; no diversions.

  5. My young grandson is also drawing maps a lot. he is 5.

  6. Being a lover of maps myself I love your grandson's map. I can see three bridges on it as well as the church. I also draw my own maps whenever I go anywhere.

  7. Not the shortest distance between two points but probably a lot more fun.

  8. Needs framing and putting on a wall so that you can embarrass him when he is older (actually, I love it).
