Thursday 7 August 2014

Ping Pong.

You may have deduced that I rather like my grandsons; all 5 of them. 

Do we spoil them? Yes of course we do; that's what grandparents are for.

Frankly we wouldn't deprive them of anything, and if they want a ping pong table then they shall have one.

Here they are in Béziers recently, honing their skills; we'll buy them an outdoor table as soon as possible. 

Keeps them amused for hours. Happy boys; happy Grumpy.

(No prizes in the Spot the Ball competition)


  1. Grandparents are a right royal pain in the arse! Mum and Dad were really strict with me but let the young'un run riot in a way I was never allowed to. Think it must be revenge time!

    1. So, I'm just part of a great conspiracy. Spoil the grands stupid, then send them back to strict Mum and Dad.

  2. You are a good man Magnon!

  3. We used to play ping pong on the dining room table - like you say - it kept us amused for hours - and of course grandparents spoil the grandchildren, that's what they are for.

    1. Our dining table is set up for ping pong as I write. Luckily we eat outdoors every day, so it's not required.

    2. We used to play on the dining room table too. We used to get told off by mother for dangerous play.

  4. Rule 27 in the grandparents handbook...spoil grandkids rotten.......

  5. You old softy! Can't wait til my turn comes to be a grandparent :)

  6. Gosh, haven't the boys got tall.That's a lovely photo.
    I was particularly struck by the glorious combination of soft terracotta and bright blue.

  7. They will use a ping pong table for years....they are rather large t store between visits though.

  8. you have the grandparenting thing just right.... we spend our time ensuring they have great memories of being with us...that's our job.

    1. Grandchildren are (usually) the last people to remember us, so best make those memories good ones!

  9. I always say...being a grandparent is like spotting a dollar bill on the sidewalk picking it up and discovering it is a ten spot.

  10. Cro, I'm glad to hear the grandparent rule is a global rule. Unfortunately, that rule is difficult to use when the grandson lives with the grandparent. For the last five years my grandson lived in my household with his mother. Long story, I'm not going there. Now decisions have been made by the parents to have my grandson live with his father who happens to live 1000 miles away. No exaggeration in mileage. It takes about 20 hours of driving time one way to get there. Life can change very suddenly. The other grandkids are 12 hours and 22 hours away. So now no spoiling and sending home from here. I surely envy those that can truly be in a grandparent role for their grandkids.

    Have a great memory building day with those grandkids.

    1. That all sounds rather sad. The 2 above live in London, and my other 3 are all in Australia, so we don't get to see them too often. We now usually communicate via Skype.

    2. Wow, yours is even farther away than mine. Yep, I'm going to have to learn how to work Skype. Still not the same as having a real hug every day though.

  11. Loved playing ping pong as a kid under our house in Rockhampton. Great for hand-eye coordination.

    1. I didn't know you were a Rocky gal; that's where my daughter and 2 grandsons live.

    2. Hello... long time lurker here finally coming out of the bushes!! I live in Yeppoon not a stones throw from Rocky and really enjoy your blog,

    3. Lady Magnon loves Yeppoon; she's always telling me about it.... she even wanted to buy a house there!

  12. Wish I had had a grandpa like you. Mine was a Methodist Lay Preacher who believed children should be seen and not heard.
