Thursday 14 August 2014

Here we go again....

The delivery driver couldn't get the wood directly into the barn, but he did leave it quite conveniently just beyond the big glass doors. We had been offered help to shift it, but it didn't arrive... hmmm.

A nasty storm was on the books, so Lady Magnon and I set to and managed to carry the whole lot indoors within an hour or so, by ourselves.

It may not look terribly heavy, but believe me; it was. Those long bits are 7 metres long, and 7 by 17 cms in section. The big pile in the background, was simply a very big pile. It was also a very hot and sticky afternoon.

Not long after everything had been safely stored inside we managed a quick swim before the storm arrived, and the heavens opened.

Now all we have to do it put it all together to make the structure for the new 1st floor.

My back is aching already.


  1. Great picture of the storm coming. Good job you are still able-bodied moving that lot - no mean task.

  2. I love that photograph of the tower and the approaching storm. You have some busy, and exciting, times ahead.

  3. 7m long isn't off the shelf! over here lonest is normal 4.8m

    1. There are a lot of very tall Pines over here, but 7m wide timber-structure buildings are usually the max.

    2. I've had to design my barn around 4.8m rafters - I'm glad I found out now rather than mid build that you can't easily bou longer!

  4. Team work..can't beat it..and how lovely that picture of the tower is .. and being able to swim in your own pool after moving the wood must have felt wonderful.

  5. Glad you got it moved in time Cro - but be careful not to
    overdo it. I expect that wonderful swimafterwards helped.

  6. When I try and take photos like that they never seem to capture the stormy skies. (Rabby says he would have come and helped if he'd known!)

  7. Your project looks a lot more appealing than mine right now. Come over for a visit and see the evidence. I am lacking the pool to cool off in. We did get a biblical storm yesterday. Had to go out at 11 pm to clear the storm drains and allow 600 feet of 8 inch deep water to drain off the street.

  8. We are going through construction at our house also and moving heavy things has been a challenge for us. However, we did it and are so proud of ourselves that we survived. My husband likes to say, "This old dog can still bark, even if it is more like a screech.

  9. job security lol

  10. Your son left one week early.
    Amazing how strong we get if we have no choise.

    1. He left on the morning that the wood arrived!

  11. Good on you and Lady M for moving the pile, stacking it so neatly, and getting it all indoors before the heavens opened!

    I'm sure that quick dip in the pool helped a little with the ache as well as cooling you off a bit. And a glass of rouge most likely helped, too.

  12. That little building in the storm picture looks like a chapel!

    1. That's what Stephenson has been saying about it. It's the 'tower' we built recently as our Summer bedroom.

  13. Crikey, what a dedicated effort the pair of you. Well done and may your floor never warp.
