Monday 21 July 2014

Holiday friendships.


Kids love dogs, and dogs love kids. The two were made for each other.

Both Monty and Bok adore all 'people' (and 99% of all other dogs). There is nothing they like more than making new friends or re-aquainting themselves with old ones. Excitement totally takes over.

Very occasionally the mix doesn't work. I recently mentioned about the dogs (who were on their leads) meeting with two small German girls who, along with their rather stupid 'towny' mother, totally panicked at seeing them approach at a distance of about 50 metres.

My advice is this. If you should meet a dog that doesn't like children, avoid it like the plague; it's probably a baddun. If you meet children who don't like dogs; send them directly to the psychiatrist.

With my two UK grandsons (above) coming to stay, Monty and Bok definitely have a lot of fun times ahead. A boys/dogs mix made in heaven.


And this picture of Finn-n-Monty is my favourite.


  1. I hope Monty is all better and ready for some fun!

    1. He's 100% back to his old self. We still have no idea what was wrong with him. Thank you.

  2. I have a Pitbull that likes children so much especially babies.Pitbulls are consider as cruel dogs but they are not.(It occurs to me an analogy to the situation here)

    1. I have a pit bull adopted six months ago, and he generally seems friendly to people. Your comment made me happy since pits get such bad press.

    2. I'm not too keen on Pit Bulls myself, but that's another story.

    3. Their main problem (pit bulls) is bad people who mistreat them and only have them in the first place to try to project a macho image-- or worse, to make them fight. Any breed insuch circumstances can go bad. In fact, at the beginning of the 20th century pit bulls were considered "nanny dogs" and were often raised alongside little kids. Petey from The Little Rascals was a pit bull. So far I've not had a chance to expose George to children, something I need to do ASAP as part of his training/socialization.

  3. Kids and dogs, what could be better? Monty looks like the best pal a bunch of boys could have!

  4. A boys best friend - just the way it should be. Great photos.

  5. My little girl is very weary of dogs and any animal she doesn't know but gets better after spending a little time with them. I think it's probably a better way to be so she doesn't over step a strange dogs boundaries.

    1. I still think that children have a natural love of animals, and they learn their fears from adults.

  6. Parents should teach their kids how to behave near dogs they don't know. My little schnauzer is very wary of small people and the other day a couple of kids 7/8 years old were jumping about and yelling on the pavement coming towards us with various adults behind them. Alexi yapped and I stood aside to let the group pass. As they did I said sorry, dogs and shouty kids don't always mix..or something of that ilk. The woman at the back replied in a nasty way.." it's a public footpath isn't it? I should have replied that kids can get bitten on public footpaths, but didn't think of it til later! Some years ago my elderly dog was off the lead on a park, and had dropped behind me….I looked back to see a toddler trying to kick him, with the parents looking on and encouraging him. Unbelievable!

  7. great photos. Yes like you, I have passed people when walking my 2 placid dogs and had Mothers frantically pull their kids behind them, to protect them from,,..what exactly?

  8. I just love that you and your wife love animals. When you said the [strange] cat jumped onto your lap, I knew you were a good and kind person. Our bush grandkids (live in a large mountainous area in South Africa and are home-schooled by their mom in remote Mozambique beaches, while their seafaring dad is out on the ocean) LOVE animals. Our towny grands who live next door to our home in SA - naaah. I rest my case! Love your dogs and your little grand-boys. Have a great day. Jo

  9. It would be nice to have a dog large enough for a child to lie on. My Border terrier would probably be crushed - but she does adore anybody who will play with her.

  10. This post really made smile on my face. Great photos, Cro!

  11. We are of like minds when it comes to kids and animals Cro. Growing up at Menagerie Manor our sons and their children have no fear of animals and I believe animals sense that in them.

  12. Love your pictures. Chuffed to bits too that your cuttings of orange blossom have rooted - well done.

  13. I agree! Dogs and kids are made to go together. And if a dog doesn't like an adult, I'm inclined to trust the dog's judgement.

  14. I love the relationships kids build with dogs. Every childhood should contain a dog at some point I reckon to share secrets and adventures with. :)

    1. The two in the top picture have just been reunited with Monty and Bok.... it was quite something!
