Sunday 20 July 2014

Haddock's update. July 2014.

Everything is over-performing. We now have such a selection of different things to eat each day, that it's tricky knowing quite where to begin.

And look; we even have July Sprouts. Love em'.

These Chillies are superb. Medium hot with a beautiful flavour. We had our first one in a simple chicken curry a couple of nights ago. 

The Tomatoes are just beginning to ripen, and, oh dear, we're going to be inundated. Almost time to start my preserving programme.

It's also going to be a very good fruit year. The Apples, Pears, and Plums are all looking very healthy (except my Granny Smith, which I think has Canker). The Peaches, which I thought earlier would do well, have proved a little disappointing. The Figs and Quinces always produce well, so I won't even mention them.

And underneath all those big fat leaves our Butternuts are slowly swelling. Can't have winter without a good quantity of Butternuts in storage.

My 4 self-sown, rescued, Tomato plants (remember them?) are looking very promising. They seem to be producing big Marmande style fruits; I'll keep you posted.

Looks like we'll survive.


  1. Every thing looks so green and nice and healthy.It is amazing but your pictures let me also imagain the good and fresh smell of those green green things,

    1. We had a very mild post-Christmas winter, and everything has grown really well. And very few bugs!

  2. Looking good. Shivering here and not much in the garden.

  3. Wow, you're really spoiled for choice with all those luscious-looking greens. And the chillies are TDF (to die for) in our household! Have a great day. Jo

  4. I don't know why I bothered fighting with the hose yesterday evening (gardener is indisposed) to water the potager! I got soaked changing the connectors. Picking cherry tomatoes now and the bigger ones have finally got a sight pinky tinge. Lots of peaches off our small tree - first time since we planted it 8 years ago. More sunshine needed now to make the peppers and chillies go red.

    1. That was a good watering last night. Just the right amount.

  5. Everything looks lush and healthy.

  6. Excellent crops Cro - I could do with your expertise (and weather) over here.

  7. Can't wait to see all your preserving efforts this year Cro as I am just wading (already neck deep) into that arena. We've always gardened but did not can or freeze much. "Too busy" we told ourselves. But now that we are between farms and very possibly will have to live off this years garden all this next winter I am a bit panicky. No worries, your post and pics calmed me nicely. Or maybe it was the 7am Guinness?

  8. Just shows what a difference the sunshine makes Cro. The colour of your soil is interesting.

  9. How come the leaves aren't all chewed away and full of holes? Do you have an account with ICI Zeneca?

    1. Fingers crossed, it seems to be a bugless year.... but there's still time.

  10. Your garden is beautiful and I envy you your (well-deserved!) harvest. It takes a lot of work to have a neat, well kept, productive garden. Bravo!

  11. My goodness that all looks in fine fettle Cro. A plot to be proud of!

  12. Beautiful. Our plants aren't nearly that robust, but for our climate we are early yet. The color of your soil is a beautiful terra cotta! Or is that a mulch?
