Sunday 8 June 2014


One of Lady Magnon's treasures from her recent Antipodean gallivant is this small piece of Pumice from the beach at Byron Bay.

Now for the 'personal' bit. Every other week I give my feet a really intense 'pampering' session. Each one is fastidiously cleaned, nails trimmed, and any unpleasant dead skin removed. When all is done they are massaged with a coconut scented creamy lotion.

Part of this process involves rubbing my heels with Pumice until they become baby-bottom soft. It is a ritual that has become an essential part of my life.

The rest of me never receives the same attention. I am an inveterate hand washer, but I would never go to the same lengths as I do with my 'plates'; however, my hands do get special attention several times a day.

Lady M's simple gift will be sliced in half and used with great pleasure and satisfaction.

Merçi cherie! Good choice.


  1. Brilliant. I love interesting geological beach finds. I have a piece of alabaster from the Jurassic coast. My dream would be finding amber on a Baltic beach.

    1. I just love finding beautiful stones. But beachcombing in general is wonderful.

  2. That is a lovely gift Cro. I must admit though on first seeing the picture I thought it was Lady M holding the pumice...the length of the little finger nail shouted 'drug user' or 'paint me'!

  3. It is years since I saw a piece of pumice. I shall now be tempted to look for some at our chemist's and use it on my heels (I do have a chiropodist call every six weeks) but as to slicing it in half - how would you do that?

  4. Your feet pampering puts me to shame. I'm sure my trotters would benefit from the very same treatment. I need to find pumice now!

  5. Another thing to do with pumice: If the powder is mixed with lime concrete, it will go hard under sea-water, and stay hard. The piles in the Roman Baths have pumice in them, and they are about 2000 years old.

  6. I have some pink nail polish you can have. Or maybe red is more your colour?

    1. I use false nails (see pic above), with a slight earth coloured rim. But thank you anyway.

  7. I have a piece of pumice and I get told off for bringing it out from under the chair in the evenings. But P does paint my nails for me, toes and fingers. How about that for a septic tank emptier!
