Saturday 7 June 2014


Geraniums must be the national flowers of France. No country cottage or chateau fort would look right without their annual displays of these classic summer flowers.

I'm not much of a flower gardener, but in recent years I've attempted to over-winter my few pots of Geraniums. As you can see by the above, I've been successful again, and these have now survived indoors through about 4 winters.

The fact that they survive appeals on two levels; the skinflint in me loves to save cash, and I also have the satisfaction of having looked after something that would otherwise have perished. 

Double Whammy!


  1. Beautiful, nothing wrong with being a "skinflint" ;)

  2. I JUST bought two hanging baskets of blood red geraniums the other day! I've never had any before, and I love them. They're so cheerful! How do you overwinter them? I would love to try!

    1. I'm a bit of an oaf when it comes to flowers, but I simply take them into the studio, and give them a bit of water when they look dry. The rest is just crossing fingers. So far it's worked.

  3. Also, Cro, your pink geraniums are lovely!

  4. I cant win with mine..... left them outside winter 2012/13....all died, brought them in 2013/14....all year I'm going to bring half in, leave half out. Congratulations on your success!

    1. We had a very mild winter, both indoors and out.

  5. What a lovely colour.

  6. I think they are the national flower of all Mediterranean countries Cro - they do so much better over there - if it is a rotten summer they really struggle here.

  7. Always feel sad when we dump ours at the end of the summer on the compost heap. But fun choosing new ones in the Spring (we buy them from the big nursery in Montayral - very good prices.)

  8. I like geraniums, but they smell if you touch them.

  9. Sorry, but I have always hated Geraniums - especially the stink of them. My mother had bucket-loads around the house, and I could never understand why. They weren't even the lemon ones.

  10. I never liked geraniums much, but I do like the leaf smell a lot. The gentleman who bought the three plants and called the nursery 'quirky' bought geraniums - and he talked about how they're not so much in fashion, but he loves them. I almost told him about this post, but then I figured he already thinks I'm nutty and I shouldn't add fuel to the fire.

  11. they are my favourite flowers, they remind me of holidays

  12. I love geraniums and have them everywhere in the garden, greenhouse and the house as well. They are so easy to care for and make starts of.
