Saturday 17 May 2014

More Barn Work.

Work on the barn advances slowly but surely. The roofers have long gone, and the builders turned up promptly afterwards.

Monsieur L and his young sidekick had two tasks. 1. Some interior walls (above), and 2. The steps leading up to the front door (below).

The interior walls are there to separate the house part from the barn part, and for a downstairs loo/shower room. The above pic was taken from inside the barn part.

There's nothing more mediocre looking that penny-pinching front steps. They need to be welcoming in an arms open wide, here comes the bride, hallelujah, kinda way. I hope my design has achieved something of that. 

There's a small wall at the back of the steps (bottom right, grey) that I will finish off next week myself with coping stones, and (probably) a Greek urn or two (go on, ask me!)

And this (above) is from the inside. The top step has plenty of room for Kellogg to sit reading a book, whilst watching that Bunny doesn't run off to join the circus.

I'm now working on a practical, but grand, design for the staircase. Again, a staircase cannot be a miserly affair; it must make a 'statement'. My builder (Monsieur L) will have to return to build that later.


  1. It's coming along nicely, you won't know what to do with yourself when it's finished x

    1. It should keep us busy for quite a while yet.

  2. Piece by piece it is slowly coming together - what a sense of satisfaction when it is finally completed.

  3. There seems to be some confusion here between a barn and a palace that promises a spectacular and happy result. My compliments and admiration.

  4. it all looks wonderful and I agree about the stir case, it should say "You have arrived, welcome" and make you eager to know the rest of the house.

  5. OK ….. I will …… What's a Grecian Urn ? …… About 30 Drachmas an hour !! Boom Boom !! …..mind you, that should be Euros now.
    The barn is looking spectacular ……. will the roof beams remain exposed ? I love that lofty feel.
    …. and, you're very good at the old building work too. Your steps look great ……. I certainly agree on the welcoming aspect. There's nothing worse that a measly set of steps or staircase. XXXX

    1. Yes, a lot of the beams will remain open, but not all. Some of them are a bit ordinary looking; we will have to be selective.

  6. Be adventurous with the staircase - I like staircases that are functional but different and interesting. You have exactly 200 followers.

  7. I seem to STUCK on 200; any advice?

  8. Looking forward to seeing the finished article. Interesting progress

  9. Nice steps, sir (how many times do you get a come on like that?).

  10. Not penny-pinching? Why aren't those steps in the finest white marble, then?

  11. Oh how fabulous it will be when finished...will you have a 'ceremony' of some sort??

    1. A brass band, The Queen, morris dancers, a national holiday, and the whole world will be invited to the party.

  12. Have the swallows managed to make it their home for this year? It is really going to be lovely when it is finished and the stairs are really rather grand. I quite fancy living there myself.

    1. Only a Redstart, who managed to raise her brood despite all the activity.

  13. I love watching the barn's progression!

  14. I have just made it 201. !

  15. Good to have that reminder about generous steps as I at least consider installing some. I notice that you intend to invite Morris dancers and the Whole World to your barn opening ceremony. Does that mean I get two invitations?

  16. THat's coming along nicely!

  17. Great idea doing large steps like that. What a transformation since I removed all those wires..fixed all those weatherboards and treated them - that was hard work! I'm looking forward to hearing what the devi for the bathroom and kitchen work will be. I think the more we can organise before coming over the better really. But I can't wait to carry on the work myself too..
