Sunday 18 May 2014

(Job) Titles; A Sunday Special.


I was trying to think of all the jobs that have titles attached. There's the armed forces, the police, certain university posts, politics, the law, the diplomatic service, and THE CHURCH. I'm sure there are plenty of others.

To be known as Colonel X, Professor X, Lord Justice X, Chief Constable X, or even His Excellency etc X, is usually a sign of having excelled within a profession or occupation. But what about 'The Reverend'?

The Latin word Reverendus can be translated as 'one who is revered' or 'one who must be respected'. And, in the church, if you end up as 'really really respected', and keep your nose clean-ish, you could even end up as a 'saint'.

The titles and outfits of the church are rather similar to the armed forces. One can only wear certain regalia if endowed with the correct title. No doubt the difference between a Reverend, a Very Reverend, a Right Reverend, and a Most Reverend, can only be spotted by connoisseurs of the amount of gold and embroidery worn.

As an atheist I have always greeted vicars, deans, bishops, etc as Mr X; I have never given them the honour of the ridiculous pomposity that they love so much.

I still find it quite amazing that a 'one book' occupation should continue to award themselves all these barmy trappings of hierarchy. Maybe they'd attract more followers if they did away with all the finery, titles, and high living. They're only ordinary blokes, after all!

No wonder the big-wig bunch above are all laughing (except for the geezer in the middle with the very expensive looking stick).


  1. They all look kind of silly to me! Grown men playing dress up.

    1. Pretty SMUG too. The one with the big stick also looks a tiny bit MAD.

  2. I can't see the attraction for intelligent people either.

    1. Yes! Having a great time.

    2. Lots of religious opulence here in Italy ..... With beggars outside !

  3. I'm so glad I found this blog you do cheer me up in the morning!

  4. Theism and Atheism demand leaps of faith of which I seem to be incapable, but I believe these boys must have good reason to dress like hand puppets.

  5. Jesus would be SO proud to see them all dressed up like that.
    (Is that Terry Waite to the right of the 'posh stick'?

    1. I don't think Terry Waite was actually a vicar; wasn't he some sort of envoy or advisor?

    2. He was certainly famous for his waite loss programme.

  6. I have a friend who - simply because his brother is a lord - must be referred to as 'The Honourable'. He was far from honourable during his protracted divorce, so I wouldn't expect any vicar to be worthy of special reverence, any more than a politician to be Right Honourable.

    1. Being tagged 'Honourable' can't be that easy to live up to.

  7. I too am an unbeliever Cro. Someone once said that
    the higher one goes in the church the less one should be paid - that would sort out who was really Reverend.

  8. I only ever think of them standing in their tabernacles in white albs and I am about to walk in....

  9. Faith and religion are two distinct things, once faith becomes ritualized and choreographed it becomes a religion and loses all meaning just like any other thing you ritualize. And more dangerously it becomes corruptible for the original purpose is lost and the ritual becomes the only objective. I fear that having witnessed the pagan adaptations of the catholic rituals principally the drunken pall bearers at funerary processions blocking the streets in Caracas as a child it forever cemented in my mind a dark and fearful image of it all in my mind. Though I must admit later in life that image was illuminated somewhat by the retired priest who was our neighbor and was often visited by his other retired priest friends in a nice white convertible with a personalized license plate that read "god's squad".

  10. I've always viewed the pomposity of The Church as theater, on a stage with some pretty fab costumes. If only we were allowed to clap after the performance!
