Tuesday 27 May 2014

Le Jardin.

Someone recently made a kind comment about my garden, so here is a panoramic view.

This is the spot where we usually sit in the evening, under the shade of the Quince tree, partaking of our daily medicinal refreshment.

I look after the nearest part of the garden myself. As for the rest, down into the distance, I have 'men' who come in and do the work for me.

I think they look after it quite nicely, don't you? (and I don't pay them a single centime!)


  1. My French lessons must have paid off as after all these years I still remember what Le Jardin meant lol. Ok it is probably the only word I can remember. Dare I ask how you get "men" for free...... not that I would like any more as one husband is more than enough but I do have a few jobs that he hasn't got round to ;)

  2. I envy your free workers! How the heck do.you manage that? :)

    Gorgeous view you have there! It looks like a postcard. What a great place to sip wine in the afternoon!


    1. I let my neighbours think they own it, then they do all that's necessary; simple.

  3. Bardzo dobre. (That's Polish for very good).

    1. Merçi. (That's French for 'thank ee kind lady').

  4. What a wonderful view you have - no wonder you choose to sit in that particular spot. Your Quince tree makes my new one look like a stick - how many years did it take to get to that size?

    1. I really can't remember. Probably about 10 years, but I keep it well pruned in a lollipop shape. It never fails with it's fruit. It's a Vranja (sp?).

    2. Mine is Vranja too - that gives me hope!

    3. They give huge fruits.... and in abundance.

  5. Such a verdant, tranquil place. I hope you hear bug songs in the evening. My city seems to have killed most of our insects and it is very sad to see a beautiful pond or garden and not hear a single hum or chirp.

    1. Hi Melanie. Yes we have Crickets and Cicadas; lovely sound on warm Summer evenings.

  6. What a lovely vista you have to gaze across. A very romantic setting for partaking of your medicinals!

  7. I had a property on the boundary of someone else's land who failed to maintain it. Their house was a long long way from the fence line.When I first bought the property the original owners were very conscientious about maintaining it. Unfortunately he died and sold it to some city slicker academics (wankers!) who had no understanding of country life. So at my own expense I was forced to maintain the land to keep vermin and snakes and sometime threat of bush fire away from my house. Things grow like Jack in the Beanstalk in the rain forest so the slashing had to be done quite frequently.I did approach my new neighbours for a contribution to its upkeep but they were not interested and told me I had no right to step foot on their land anyway (which is legally correct.)

    I finally left that part of the world and have since heard that karma found an extraordinary way of meting out justice to them They sold up a couple of years after I left.Let's just say I do have big grin on my face every time I think about it!

    1. My neighbours are very good, conscientious, farmers (except for one who owns a bit in the far distance, and grows very lush brambles). I suppose it's all a question of LUCK. Often city folk have a very rosy view of country life, and forget that everything has to be tended.

  8. When you have a view such as that it's important to sit and enjoy it. Do you drink a local wine ? (I take it your medicine IS wine! ) When in France we always bought the local wine, which somehow never tasted the same when we drank it back at home.

    1. Our supplier is about 10 kms away. Their totally natural, and delicious, wine costs a staggering €1.10 per litre. We take full advantage.

  9. The view in and of itself is medicinal!

  10. What? No big ugly cell tower, what planet do you live on?

  11. Love seeing pics of your home front and your garden is peacefulness defined. We also try to sit out every eve on our front farm house porch and enjoy the life we worked so damn hard for! Then we fall asleep and tumble off our chairs. Or maybe that's just me. My husband doesn't drink

  12. Your garden is delightful. The perfect place to imbibe a bit of medicine.
