Wednesday 28 May 2014

Happy birthday Freddie.


Freddie is 10 years old today (28. 05. 2014).

The years haven't improved him. He's still as self-centred as ever, still has that miserable arrogant look that many tabbies have, and is still as unfriendly as he's always been (unless he's sleeping, curled up under my chin at night).

However I do like old Fred. He's quite cheap to run, he's very seldom sick on the carpet, and he can still chew the head off a mouse.

May I suggest that you don't look into his eyes for too long; you might fall into some life-altering trance.

Happy birthday Fred. Tuna for supper (if you're lucky!).


  1. He still looks in pretty good nick!!!

  2. He wouldn't be a cat if he wasn't self-centered.
    Happy birthday Freddie!

  3. Happy Birthday Fred!

    He looks like a sly one. ;)

    1. I've only seen him for a few seconds this morning; he wanted FOOD.

  4. He is a magnificent wee beastie - looking good for his age.

  5. He looks superbly in control. I like a cat like that.

  6. What a hansom boy or is it a distinguished gent now?

  7. He is a beauty. I have had 5 various styles of tabby over many years, they are the best! The present incumbent is a semi long haired very tall slim cat , now aged 15. He has been on borrowed time for over a year now…..he suffers from a heart murmur and sometimes has an attack that looks like asthma. The vet suggested various invasive treatments, but TC seems quite happy most of the time…..eats well, but is skin and bone under all his fur! In my experience putting a cat on any pills brings about their death within the week! Happy Birthday Fred.

    1. I don't remember Fred ever being ill. He recently had a grass seed burrowing into the outside bit of his ear, but that was soon dealt with.

  8. Happy Birthday Fred. If he wasn't self-centered he would be a dog!
    Our cat catches rabbits and always eats the head first. Is that where they get their brains from?

  9. A handsome boy, indeed - happy birthday, Freddie!

    I miss a cat owning me but as I and some neighbours feed the beautiful local parrots (from time to time) I can't justify it. Finding piles of feathers on the lawn is heart-breaking. Though I wouldn't mind finding a few headless mice!

  10. Happy Birthday Freddy! We have a similar cat. We call him Sparrowhawk because the regularity of his markings remind us of the feathers on a Sparrowhawk's chest. He's a hunter too. (Though of a friendly to humans variety.)

  11. He's a handsome old boy! I wish him a very happy birthday, so "Happy Birthday, Fred!" :)

  12. Happy Birthday Fred. Gosh he's a looker. Lovely stripes. My parents have a slightly lighter coloured cat of the same markings on her back but she has spots on her belly. A weird lady down the road kept trying to take her. but she got the best of her! lol She also is a hunter. many a small mammal has met her and not lived to see the next day.

  13. Many Happy Returns Fred …….. what a healthy looking cat. We've had 3 cats over the years { all gone now } one handsome ginger tom, one grey tabby and one an apricot colour. They were all lovely and I miss them but, I vowed that I wouldn't have another one as I am always devastated when any family pet dies. XXXX

    1. In Fred's passport, he's described as a 'brown tabby'. He has beautiful markings.

  14. Oh he is a darling. Looks just like my Albert. Give him a kiss and some fresh salmon from me for his birthday.

  15. Feline felicitations to Freddy x

  16. Happy Birthday Freddie. You quite the handsome old boy.

  17. Happy birthday Fred - trading tuna for mouse is always a good swap.

  18. Beautiful boy. Nearly as handsome as my old tabby! Happy purr day Fred!

  19. Many happy returns of the day, Freddie! He's very handsome, and only slightly older than my grey tabby, JoJo, who'll be 10 in mid-June.
