Wednesday 26 February 2014

Forcing Rhubarb

There is no question that 'forced Rhubarb' is by far the most tender, the tastiest, and the most eagerly awaited.

As you can probably see above, I use a big old plastic tub weighted down with a stone slab as my forcer. The idea being to deprive the Rhubarb of light, making it 'force' it's way skywards. Old fashioned terracotta forcers are, of course, preferable; but they're expensive.

In about a week's time, the Rhubarb will be trying to lift the tub off the ground; that's when we'll have our first crumble of the year.

I can't wait!


  1. When do you put the 'forcer' on - I always forget to do it and there is no sign of mine yet.

    1. In which case I'd do it now. I actually put mine on before Christmas... but I don't normally do it so early. This (above) was the first time I'd looked underneath.

  2. I was hoping to hear your voice in that clip - having not heard it for over 40 years. Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb...

    1. I suppose it's a high-falsetto these days?

    2. No, it's just that I keep repeating 'La plume de ma tante, est sur la bureau do mon oncle'.

  3. I will try this if I can find my Rhubarb plant. I can't remember where I moved it to ! I need to buy a few more plants as I love Rhubarb Crumble. Marion

  4. I put the cover on one of my patches of rhubarb in January. Yesterday I realised that the top had blown of so I am hoping that it hasn't spoiled. ( I use a big black compost bin) Wish I could afford those lovely crocks too.
    If anyone is passing by in Derbyshire I have loads of rhubarb plants to give away!

  5. Ours is under a snow drift right now....last year I forgot all about it until it was too late.

  6. One more week here too- very exciting in a simple country sort of way

    1. Our PSB is just beginning too; both eagerly awaited harvests.

  7. A video is better than a picture. It looks like the beginning of spring has come to the Haddock's. I am jealous.

  8. Mine are not showing yet but I have a black pot sitting next to the clumps.

  9. I thought all my rhubarb had died, but found a little clump at the top of the garden. I've put a clay pot over mine too - but it doesn't look anything as good as yours.

  10. We use a couple of old buckets - and our rhubarb is well on its way!

    1. Rusty buckets are traditional, but aren't they too short? Mine needs to grow to at least 2 ft.

  11. We live in a desert climate, so rhubarb is shipped in, at a pretty penny, too. Love rhubarb.

  12. I know it is silly but I suddenly had this amusing image of you standing over the rhubarb armed with your air pistol saying, 'OK you dirty rats... GROW!'

    1. At it's present stage, it would be difficult to STOP it from growing; air pistol or not!
