Thursday 27 February 2014

A Quiet Night.

I'm sure Lady Magnon won't mind me saying this, but (being a part-time Hermit) I really do enjoy my occasional solitude.

The house is quiet. Monty is busy working through an 'everlasting chew', and Bok's head is resting on my lap. All is silent other than the sound of some intermittent rain.

The stove is lit, and a Chicken tagine is gently simmering on top; the warm earthy aroma of cinnamon and cumin is already testing my patience. 

I ignore the TV (what there is of it), the radio, and even my favourite music, as I sit stroking Bok's snoozing head and revel in the peacefulness. 

There is something blissfully happy about sitting in a warm ancient cottage with a couple of dogs. At peace with the world, and at peace with myself. 

A contemplative evening, and 'Blissfully happy' enough to want to write about it.

Time for my tagine!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Sounds absolutely delightful. You are a lucky man !

  4. Sounds perfect - a little like our caveman ancestors must have felt - except the tagine would probably be replaced by woolly mammoth steaks.

  5. Pets are the ideal companion when you want to be alone. I can never understand people who buy genuinely ancient places and then modernise them to look like magazine fakes, glad you appreciate the special atmosphere of ancientness.

  6. I love times like this.....I call them "cozy"!!!

  7. I'm dozing off here reading this. I know what you mean, I have my workroom at the top of the house and its my retreat. No t v, or radio just me and my keyboard surrounded by all the things I love most, wool,fabric and cats, and I dip into each as and when I fell like it.
    We all need some alone time.

  8. Solitude sounds lovely when it's a treat...I have a feeling a steady diet of it might not be so great.

  9. The trick to winter is staying warm. All else is a bonus.

  10. Sufficient unto the day..... all sounds wonderful to me.
    I am still trying to puzzle out why your two hens are both called Richard!

  11. Youir home dear Cro reminds me so much of the tiny cottage I have rented several times in Ooghterard, Ireland on the west coast. When I visit I can easily stay put for 3-4 days at a time bottles of wine and fresh salmon my constant buddies. Enjoy your chicken!

  12. Oh come now Cro, unlock the hall closet and Lady Magnon out.

  13. should always proof read....that should be let Lady Magnon out....I shall go away now

  14. I relish the luxury of alone time...

  15. Only because you know she'll be coming home.

  16. Sounds good! You have two dogs? Can you sometime make a post of your pets, it would be nice to see what kind of a animals you have. :-)

  17. You evoke such a warm and lovely scene with your words. These occasional poetic posts of yours are my favourites.

  18. The tagine makes me long to be back in Marrakech and travelling onward the next day through the Atlas Mountains.
    (It seems to be a long half-term).

  19. Another fan of contemplative solitude here Cro. I love just switching the tv off and sitting quietly - if Harvey will let me that is!

  20. Perfect. My kind of evening too.

  21. Looks like a cozy evening. And tangine, yum!
