Tuesday 3 September 2013

Happy Cro; Wood delivery 2013.

It's warm, it's dry, and it's almost Autumn. What better time to deliver our wood. We already have about 12 cubic metres in stock.

This load is 3 year old Chestnut. Good chunky sized 2 metre logs that should see us through to 2014/15, if not beyond.

My neighbour Claude will deliver another load, roughly the same as the above. There are about 8 cubic metres in all; I do like to have a good stock. He says he'll deliver our 8 cubic metres of Oak later on towards Winter.

All this wood definitely deserves a new blade for the chain saw; what LUXURY!

And here is the finished pile; there's some pretty hefty stuff in there. For the moment I'll just cover it with a tarpaulin, and cut it up next year (unless we need it sooner).

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  1. Most satisfying - having a good pile of wood.

  2. My god, you live life on the edge, Cro! A new blade! You hedonist.

    I don't have a fireplace now that I've moved into town. I miss my fire and all the rituals thereof.

    1. Life doesn't get much more racy than with a new blade on the chainsaw!

  3. K. Wenceslas will take one look this year and pass you by.

    There's nowt like a great pile of fuel to make a cave-man feel secure. Splendid.

  4. Is it really necessary to cover it in tarpaulin? I always used to leave my stack open to the elements, it seemed to dry out OK.

    Since we no longer have an open fire, I really miss chain-sawing days, there's something so therapeutic about watching the blade sink into a log and lots of sawdust flying out.
    Especially with a new chain.

    1. When it's freshly cut we leave the whole pile uncovered, then later we just cover the top surface and leave the sides open. It seems to do the job OK.

  5. Man. Three year old well seasoned wood. What I could build with that and you are just going to... to BURN it!!!!

    1. You're right; it's a sin, but this whole area is basically WOODLAND, and there's no shortage.

  6. At least you get your wood delivered. After approving, marking and paying for our 'woodpile' it took umpteen trips with the car and trailer to get all the logs back home. I'm getting too long in the tooth to play at lumberjacks! But it IS a nice feeling to have a supply of wood ready for the cold weather.

    1. Why was it not delivered? That should have been part of the whole transaction!

  7. Your log pile looks good. We haven't got any logs yet - hope the winter's not too hard.

  8. I am changing over from a wood stove to a coal stove. Picked up the coal last week, a bit over two tonnes. I figured a tad under two tonnes for the winter if i keep the stove going all the time, but it was cheaper for me to pick up a pallet's worth, and if we have an especially cold or long winter, i'm covered. Otherwise, i'll have a headstart for next year.

  9. I love these photographs Vro - wish I could smell the wood, which I am sure has the most wonderful smell. Luckily we have plenty of wood on the farm for our own use. An alder blew down in a gale earlier this year and two huge branches came off an ash tree. We are still using apple from a tree we felled the year before last, so we should be OK for the Winter. Isn't it good to be well stocked up though?

  10. I just had to show my other half these photos - his reaction? "OOO wood porn". Sigh.

  11. our wood is ordered and arrives in 2 weeks when I am on holiday. I will be shifting it and packing it in the wood ark. it is worth every bead of sweat once the snow comes.
