Monday 2 September 2013

Grass (not THAT sort).

Just two months ago we were sitting outside, in the early evening, commenting on how beautiful our lawn was.

We have never sown grass here, it's just meadow grass that has been mowed and mowed until it resembled something akin to a lawn.

This year it excelled; it was thick, lush, and dark green, with no bare patches or obvious areas of weeds. It was a pukka 'lawn'.

But just look at it now; what a bloody mess. No rain for weeks, leaves beginning to fall, and bare patches appearing all over.

No rain on the horizon, and still about 27C every day; I bloody despair.

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  1. That looks like our lawn was last summer. Still you will soon have rain and then be wanting less.

  2. Same here. After one of the wettest Julys ever we've had the driest August in recorded history and now at the very beginning of our Spring we're having 28 to 30 degree days! Instead of new growth everywhere for Spring everything is dry and parched !! No rain in sight either.

  3. I vaguely remember rain. Some sort of water fallin' from the sky isn't it? Haven't seen any for years though. We still have green grass here in England, but only because the ground is still soggy from last year...

  4. Can't believe I'm saying that rain has been rare here this year the lawns are patchy and not up to our usual bowling green standards but they always come back eventually.

  5. Now you know why Spanish golf courses use so much water - the hissing of summer lawns.

  6. I feel like Beau Geste struggling through all that fine sand that is my lawn.

  7. Ours goes like that every summer's just'll come back.

  8. if it makes you feel any better, ours is just as bad, not so much from lack of rain, but lack of cutting and having tons of junk from the garage and wood shed piled up all over it all summer.

  9. I wish I could send all you folks in dry areas some of our rain. It's rained almost every single day for months now. Sheesh.

  10. One downpour and your grass will be green again Cro - I promise you. (it will also grow and need cutting - that is the down side.)

  11. We've never sown grass either, Cro. It always looks pretty damn good...until August, that is.

  12. Aw We are about to have turf put down. So lets hope mine gets some water before it dries up!

  13. It's just been that kind of strange weather year everywhere....

  14. At my last location, we seeded only in the front of the house and about 3 feet/metre out. Left the rest to grow by itself. Most was meadow grass or weeds.

    We had drought for several years, and our yard was always the last to turn brown. It was usually the first to green up, too, after a rain.
