Tuesday 13 August 2013

Goodbye Boys; Come Back Soon!

Cousin Camp has come to an end, silence reigns but the memories live-on. The boys will all miss each other, the dogs will only have us to amuse them, and the tree-house will be as quiet as a sunken galleon.

The next time they all meet-up, the 8 year olds will probably both be about 12, and they'll no doubt be sneaking off behind some shed for a cig', or lusting after the local girlies (or both). They will sit around giggling and grunting, and more than likely refuse to join in with the 'childish' games of their 10 year old siblings. Their hands will definitely be glued to an i-something.

In the meantime we'll keep saying how very quiet it is, and we'll return to sleeping in the 'tower'. We'll also return to eating simple pasta dishes and curries, and all those horrible tiny multi-coloured tubs of disgustingly sweet fruitex-flavoured yoghurts will be banished from the fridge. 

We'll smile at the best of the summer's photos, we'll be able to drive off to the shops without crushing much-loved toys, and Lady M will return to watching Eastenders.

With the child-tornado now having moved on (Harvey J and Ollie to Germany for 2 weeks, and GHG and Finn to Brighton for 3 weeks), it seems like the end of something; but I suppose in reality it just heralds the onset of Autumn.

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  1. Oh Cro, I can feel the emptiness you describe, those sweet little boys will grow so much in 4 years. I think I could cry. How silly of me. Do you Skype with them or FaceTime, in between time?

    You are the third person today from the Northern hemisphere to herald in Autumn ~ well in blogland at least.

    1. We Skype regularly, but it doesn't seem real somehow. We shall just have to wait.

      Temperatures will probably not reach much above 25C from now on. Last night there was a cool breeze even.

    2. p.s. Actually I've just seen that we'll be back in the 30's C any day.

  2. How lucky they are to have each other to go through life with...albeit from a distance, with only occasional meet-ups. We remarked to each other this morning that the house is very tidy and quiet without family here......mess and noise can be very welcome sometimes.

  3. Magical times to cherish. Did the boys love their tree-house? Would love to have seen their faces when they first discovered it.

    1. They certainly did, and both fathers were amazed that it was so solid. It was definitely worth all the effort.

  4. It is the end of something but in way that's what makes it special. Maybe we don't always realize how great something is if we have it all the time. BTW, that some mighty good looking grand sons and those tee shirts aren't bad either. :)

    1. The T shirts were a great success; thank goodness.

  5. The great thing about being a grandparent is creating memories ....for yourself, and most importantly for them. I have no doubt that whatever stages they go through, with the technology changes, the smoking, the women....they will always remember this summer and it will bring a great big grin to their faces.

  6. Maybe you can go and spend some time with them in the fall or winter.....let them entertain you.

  7. What a sad thought, they will be different people when they next meet up. The innocence gone.
    But what great memories to have under your belt.
    It felt decidedly "back-endish" in Derbyshire this morning, and the blackberries are coming, a sure sign that autumn is not far away.

  8. I bet you all had a ton of fun! Love that last pic of a boy and his dog. :)

  9. At least you'll have lots of memories to cherish through the winter

  10. So sad when they all have to go home. Lots of memories and lots of fun and four lovely grandchildren.

  11. OMG...I'm actually crying! :(
    I'm so glad they loved the tree house (I knew they would) and the dogs. That last picture did me in.
    Lovely memories for you...and them.

  12. Oh, you're gonna miss them something fierce, but I'm glad you had such a fantastic visit with them.

  13. The photos say it all. I'm sure Bok and Monty will sleep soundly for a day or two and miss the boys, same as you and your Lady.

  14. Those boys are so lucky to have you and Lady M as Grandparents. They'll have great memories of summer in France.
    I think I missed the photos of the treehouse (in my absence). I must look through and see if I can find them.

  15. Lucky boys. They will remember these holidays all their lives. I loved the child on dog photo!

  16. How about a pic of them in the treehouse?
    They have obviously all had a wonderful time. I look forward to following them in U.K. and Germany on Facebook.
