Sunday 14 July 2013


With both The Tour de France and Wimbledon fresh in our minds, we quite naturally think of that most desired of Summer delights; the Strawberry.

These above are a variety called 'Gariguette', and they are probably the most Strawberry-ish tasting Strawberries that I've ever encountered. They are long, slightly flattish, and have an upward-pointing protruding green crown where they have been separated from the plant. Their flavour is not unlike a perfectly ripe wild strawberry, and their aroma is intoxicating.

How fortunate that the 'Gariguette' comes from France's South West corner; which is just where I happen to live! If you have a local grower, they're well worth buying.

Whilst they're in season, Lady Magnon takes advantage of the glut (cheaper fruits) to make her Strawberry Jam for our summer visitors. She's already made several jars of Apricot Jam for their morning croissants.

I forgot to check what variety she uses for the jam, but it's certainly NOT 'Gariguette'.

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  1. Very nice - I am fascinated by what is in the plastic packaging behind the jam. Almost looks like an aubergine but I know you grow yours and I can't imagine one coming packaged like that.

    1. It's one of the Avocados I recently bought. Our aubergines are in flower, but no fruit as yet.

  2. Yum! That jam looks delicious!

  3. Those strawberries certainly look different in shape I have never heard of that variety. I have just made 3 jars of compote which is slightly runnier than jam but intensely flavoured.

    1. Is that what I refer to as Lady Magnon's 'Strawberry Soup'?

  4. ooh Cro, you are making my mouth water!

  5. This are some mightily beautiful berries, much unlike the mega-berries we find in the grocery stores in Seattle.

  6. What an unusual shape! I can almost smell them from here We've just picked a huge batch from the lottie and the scent of sun-warmed berries really is one of the loveliest scents of summer

  7. Those look like delicious berries indeed. Much better than the ones flown in from distant locales to the local multinational conglomerate grocery shop...

    1. The 'Gariguette' stawberries almost SHOCK your tastebuds; they are that delicious.

  8. I can't even remember when I last ate a decent strawberry. I bought some not long ago to put in my summer sangria...big pithy things. They were only made edible by soaking 2 days in alcohol. Yours look lovely. As does that bread and jam!
