Monday 15 July 2013

Dogs v Humans.

It's been a week since Monty was stung by something, and he's almost over it.

We'd been discussing the odd behaviour of an acquaintance of ours, when Lady Magnon stated "I think I prefer most dogs to some of the bizarre human riff-raff around" (or something to that effect).

Most dogs are basically pleasant creatures; those that aren't have usually been taught their nastiness by idiot humans.

Take our two, for example. They're friendly (Bok overly so), they're loving (Bok overly so), and they're a pleasure to have around, and be around. They never leave us wishing we could give them a good slapping (as do some humans).

They are not moody, foul mouthed, or insolent. They demonstrate their gratitude on a permanent basis, they acknowledge our 'pack-leadership', and they seem to be happy to be a part of our little world.

Of course they do have total freedom in wonderful countryside, they have plenty of good quality food, and they have dry comfortable bedding. They also have each other which, if they could speak, would probably be top of their 'life's-best-bits' list.

I have to agree with Lady M; dogs never exasperate me the way that certain humans do!
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  1. I'm glad Monty is recovering from his bee-stings. And yes, I agree 100 per cent with Lady M.

  2. Dogs are one of the finest demonstrations of unconditional love. We seldom experience it from fellow humans. But our critters have it down to perfection. Give them both a scratch for me.

  3. Couldn't agree more, Cro. Dogs are great!

  4. Ninety percent of the humans that I love or like are fictional characters in books. I'm sure that this makes me "fictionist" or something politically incorrect, and liable to immediate arrest and detention in a correctional facility.

    If aliens land to catalogue the planet then I do hope that they meet dogs first.

  5. yep, another vote for dogs!

  6. I agree with all but one of your points. Dogs definitely ARE foul-mouthed, it's just that they have only one word for everything.

  7. Dog v humans... No contest!


  8. I'm with you 100%. I'll take dogs over humans any day of the week. Your two are lovely.

  9. They come to us wagging their tail and excitement at our presence. Don't you wish people had a tail so that you could easily tell what kind of mood they are in.

    1. What a wonderful idea; you'd better 'patent' it quick!

    2. Believe it or not, a Japanese inventor already has! I mentioned it on a post earlier this year, and even included a video of two women wearing their tails. Too funny.

  10. Totally agree here also. I personally detest the human race, especially here, with almost half of our community population on some kind of meth, crack or other modern chemistry experimentation. I will take back the detest of *all* humans, as I find your readers so interesting, enjoyable, and compassionate that I enjoy this blog's readership. Wish I could be closer to all.
    Dogs are there no matter what kind of a day you have.
    Give the *kids* a treat for me and a hug to the lovely Lady M.
    Take care

  11. I wish my Ginger could have a playdate with your boys. She's a blissful canine soul, too! They would have such fun!

  12. Well said. I can't imagine life without dogs. Happy to hear Monty is better.

  13. Wonderful post - I read a quotation recently in a similar vein, which stated "the more I learn about people, the more I love my dog".

  14. You're right about dogs being better than people in some ways. Now, if they would only do their own pooper-scooping.
