Tuesday 2 July 2013

First Veg's.

I often forward advice to newby veg' gardeners, that they should "eat crops as soon as they are edible". It's advice that I've mostly failed to observe myself, but that doesn't make me hold back from advising others. "Do as I advise; not as I do" comes to mind (a la Blair).

We now have reasonable sized Cauli's. I could of course leave them to grow HUGE, but far better to eat them now. This one, above, will be enjoyed this evening with a roast; others will probably be eaten tepid, or cold, with a garlicy vinaigrette.

Otherwise we are eating 'Spring onions'; these are in fact just ordinary immature onions.

And courgettes.

And this delicious calabrese.

Apart from which we have just rhubarb, strawberries, and red currants. Everything else is looking good, and if all goes according to plan we won't now buy any vegetables until October/November or beyond. Success!

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  1. Love your onions.

    Here in north India, first vegs typically can be had in early or mid April. This means the hottest you guys get there is kind of moderate here :-)

    1. Thank goodness. Our top Summer temperatures are around 30/35 C. Hot enough for me!

  2. Replies
    1. We don't have raspberries as such; we have the bigger tayberries, and they're looking good.

    2. p.s. Sorry to read about the big fat bastards. Spit roasted sounds good!

  3. everything looks so delicious. Your courgettes, our zucchini. Your calabrese, our broccoli. I like the sound of yours better. Have you ever prepared mashed cauli? Sort of like mashed potatoes. Yum.

    1. I love cauli's all ways, but I've never tried mashed; will do, thanks!

  4. You make me wish that I had grown more veggies.

    1. I hate to admit, but we're already INUNDATED. And without any tomatoes yet, I'm unable to start my preserves.

  5. Everything looks absolutely gorgeous -- not to mention delicious!

  6. Those cauliflowers look so young and tender. I bet they are lovely. A nice bit of cheese sauce and I'd be well sorted.

  7. Your veggies are looking fantastic. I totally agree with you about eating them young. You can get to the point where you just can't face eating another cauli or whatever and you're pleading with everybody who calls to take them off your hands.

  8. Great start to this years garden bounty

  9. Congratulations on the great looking veggies! :)

  10. Great looking vegs, Cro. I haven't got around to making a veg plot in my new house yet, I must get onto it.

  11. Great looking veg! My cauliflowers are always incredibly buggy.
