Wednesday 3 July 2013

Canvas Stretching.


I became a very popular chap at college, simply because I was just about the only person around who could stretch a canvas without leaving nasty creases.

Pretty, flirtatious, girls would approach me, undo a top button or two whilst fluttering their eyelashes, and I'd be putty in their hands. "Oh Cro, do you think you could possibly show me how to....."

There's really nothing complicated about canvas stretching. One starts by fixing the middle of the opposing sides, then continues by securing either side of that first fixing until you reach the corners (are you still following me?). Folding down the canvas at each corner is probably the most complicated bit, but it's really not that difficult to master.

I always knew that the girlies were taking advantage of my 'sweet' nature, but I never complained.

Of course if they hadn't ask ME, I would have offered my services to THEM anyway. It may sound like an odd chat-up line, but "May I help you stretch your canvas" never failed.

Casanova Cro.


  1. oh, you devil you! I was known as quite the mat cutter in my college days. all the photo students would come to me for lessons. We don't often think about all the 'behind the scenes' work that goes into creating a piece. I remember the pain and precision of grinding litho stones...and wished we'd had elves to do that work for us. Such a bother!

  2. I had a very similar experience, except that with me I could drive heavy machinery and so got roped into fetching the marble blocks for the sculpters.

  3. ha ha

    you reminded me that one of the few useful things I learned at my stuffy old grammar school, was how to stretch paper for water colour painting. I think we just enjoyed playing in the water, it made a fun change from maths and latin :-D

  4. Are you still susceptible to pretty, flirtatious girls?

    1. Only if they want their canvases stretching!

  5. I used to (reluctantly) stretch H.I.'s canvases for her, but then she realised how crap I am at it, so they are all ordered from an expensive place in London. Girls (and boys) would get me to fix their cars and motorbikes at college...

  6. "Hey baby, wanna come over and stretch my canvas?"

    I can't even wrap gifts, never mind stretch canvas... nice work!

  7. I've never undertaken this by myself. I helped an art teacher a few times, although i'm quite sure he could have done it all by himself but welcomed students helping him so they'd learn how to do it.

  8. Oops, forgot to add, is this for a new painting you'll soon be working on, Cro?

    1. This particular one was a stock photo, but I do my own all the time.

  9. HA! Yeah, that's quite a pick-up line.

    I cheat. I buy my canvasses already stretched.

  10. When my mother and I owned a needlepoint and embroidery shop, I learned from my mom how to stretch needlepoint canvas and linen. After a while, I got pretty good at it. Now, I don't think that I can even put the frame together.
    Like one commenter said,"You little devil" :-) I think that its charming. How did you meet the lovely Lady M? Or am I too bold to ask.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. She made the world's best Tarte Tatin; I couldn't let her escape.

  11. I married the youth who stretched my canvases - well, what's a gal to do!
