Tuesday 4 June 2013

Some Haddock's Progress.

OK, we're in business. The strawberries are now producing, which usually means that all other Spring red fruits will soon ripen too. My friend José has just invited me to pick cherries.

There are tiny courgettes making their presence known; last year we ate our first on June 6th, it may be a bit later this year.

The calbrese plants are looking good,

as are the cauliflowers.

The two rows of yellow onions are all up,

as well as the beans, sprouts, and savoy cabbage. The tomatoes are all thriving, but the aubergines have suffered a bit from the wet. We even have tiny peppers. Hooray.

We're getting there! 
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  1. ah, yes, another growing season at the farm! I like the growing of strawberries in pots - makes them easy control pests and easy to pick.

  2. Looks like you are all set for another bumper year.

  3. First time I saw strawberries in pots. Do you really remember you had that cougrett- thing on Jund 6 last year? Really good memory you have.

    1. Not a good memory; I remembered that I'd mentioned it on this blog, and looked it up!

  4. Looking good and not a weed in sight - you have been working hard.

  5. At last, things are growing, as we always knew they would, but it's reassuring to actually see it happen.

  6. Your strawberries look good. My bumper crop has been absolutely decimated this year by slugs. I might have to try growing them in pots another year.

    1. I've got 2 proper strawberry pots, which each take 9 plants, and two ordinary large pots which take about 5 plants each. I sprinkle a few slug pellets in each pot, and we are now almost guaranteed fruit. When they were in the soil at Haddock's we had nowt; only the slugs ate them.

  7. Nice! We are still getting frosts here but the cold resistant plants and seeds are in the ground and the potatoes were planted yesterday. The squash and tomatoes are anxiously waiting their turn under the shelter of the porch. You must be very diligent about watering your strawberries! My fear about pots here would be neglect, though I could put our twelve year old on it.....she would remember. Look forward to more garden posts about Haddocks!

  8. Great progress report Cro. I think you are going to have a good year.

  9. Nice looking garden Cro! I am envious. No garden for me again this year, but there will be lots of trips to the farmer's market.
