Monday 3 June 2013

A Leopard changes its spots!

Lady Magnon is not keen on boudin (black pudding). In fact her strangely contorted face, and blood curdling squeals (on hearing the very word 'boudin') are indicative of her dislike.

So what does a good husband do? He cooks some for supper!

'How d'yer like it'? I ask tentatively.

'Delicious'! she replies, as I cut her another slice.

'Do you know what that is in the middle'?

'Yes; it's boudin'.


'Very nice'.... (here I fall backwards from the shock, and hit my head on the floor with such force that I am unconscious for the next two days).

I've not tried putting black pudding into a terrine before, but it worked very well; I shall do it again, especially as it now has Lady M's seal of approval.

N.B. For those who are interested, I made my terrine with about 300 gms minced pork, roughly mixed with 150 gms of sage, onion, and breadcrumb stuffing. About 75 gms of good quality black pudding. 6 rashers of smoked bacon for the wrapping. And 3 sage leaves for the top. I also added a good splash of Armagnac; but you knew that, didn't you!

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  1. You are a really great cook!

  2. That looks good - must get some more black pudding - our butcher does a very nice one.

  3. Clever old you! Yes, indeed -- we already knew that!

  4. Yum - that looks good enough to eat. You certainly know how to live well Cro.

  5. It's the idea that most people don't like, but that's what nose-to-tail eating involves with a pig. Black pudding is becoming fashionable again in Blighty.

    1. So it should; it's delicious, and very good for you!

  6. Very very sneaky of you Cro...

  7. I would like to have a go at this, Cro. Could you tell me what you did to it after you had the mixture wrapped in bacon and stuffed into its container?

    1. I put aluminium foil over the top, and roasted it for 1 hr 15 mins. Very simple.

    2. Thanks. Clearly this is where I have been going wrong. I followed the HFW River cottage method with a bain marie and ended up with sludge.

    3. I put a weight on mine (for about an hour) after it came out of the oven, but I don't think it's necessary.

  8. That looks very,very yummy.
    I personally love black pudding but find it varies so much. If I can get a good one with lots of nice big chunks of fat in it great, but so many are just poor copies.

    1. The real thing is delicious, the faux ghastly.

  9. mmmmm....meaty! It looks beautiful. you are a jack of all trades, Cro.

    1. It's a very simple recipe; it took me all of 10 minutes to prepare. The oven did the hard work.

  10. Cor!! That looks a bit special!

  11. You're an innovative cook; I guess that makes you a bit of a chef. My hubby rarely cooks, but when he does, (usually something on the grill) I always love it. It's such a treat when someone else does the cooking for a change.
