Friday 24 May 2013

The Portsmouth Sinfonia; just for you.

Sit back in your most comfortable chair, pour yourself a glass of wine, turn the volume up to 11, and enjoy.


  1. N.B. The Portsmouth Sinfonia is an orchestra made up of Portsmouth Art Students who could either not play an instrument at all, or, if they could, had to play an instrument they couldn't play.

  2. Given the conditions I am amazed that the piece is recognizable.

  3. May I suggest that everyone listens at least to 3 mins. The orchestra's return after the piano solo is one of music's high points.

  4. At 8.51 a.m I thought I'd better give the glass of wine a miss and sit back and listen as I apply my make-up by the trowel-load. Just slapping on the industrial strength foundation when the music started... Now I know I haven't got a good ear, but even to me, it did sound a bit ruff. I hadn't read the comments at this stage, so idly thought perhaps a glass of whine might be prudent?

    Thoughts of Les Dawson playing the piano, idly flitted through my mind.

    A funny post to start the weekend with a flourish.


  5. Glass of wine in one hand and tone-deaf ears firmly attached to my head, I thoroughly enjoyed this. Was I not supposed to?

    It reminds me a little of the first time I heard my son's TAFE (Technical and Further Education) class play heavy metal. It would have been difficult to tell if they were in tune or not, regardless of their skill. They did improve over time, thankfully.

  6. I have sat through many of my children's and grandchildren's school concerts. I appreciate them more now.

  7. Excellent? :o] I thought of Les Dawson too.

    Anna :o]


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