Monday 27 May 2013

More on Breakfast.

Lady M: Cro, are you REALLY going to eat that for breakfast?

Cro: Yup.

Lady M: You're disgusting.

Cro: If you say so dear!

Lady M: Can't you eat Marmalade, or Jelly and Peanut Butter, like everyone else.

Cro: I'd rather pour boiling water on my nether regions than eat Jam with Peanut Butter; now that really IS disgusting. Am I obliged to eat whatever you eat; is that what you're telling me?

Lady M: Not at all. I'm just saying that there are more appropriate things to eat for breakfast.

Cro: You're becoming a closet Socialist, aren't you!

Lady M: There; you see! You eat that stuff for breakfast, and already you're insulting me!

Cro: If I'd wanted to insult you, my dear, I'd have called you a 'bloody closet Socialist'. Just 'closet Socialist' means I worry about you some times.

Lady M: You've been reading P G Wodehouse or Evelyn Waugh again, haven't you. I can always tell; you become belligerent and unpredictable.

Cro: Is there another jar of caviar in the fridge? I've finished this one.

Lady M: Get it yourself!

Cro: Charming.

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  1. Really, Cro, Lady M is right. Haven't you learned that in all your years of marriage?

  2. to each their own, I say. Follow your breakfast bliss.

  3. That looks like a delicious breakfast to my eyes. But does caviar go with coffee?

  4. I do not know how unconventional caviar is, but unconventional food normally has lots of benefits to health etc. So if I was in your place, I would just search the internet a bit, and bombard Lady M with facts about caviar being good.

  5. I'm with you on peanut butter. You know it's going to be a challenging day when that is how it starts. Best go back to bed and start again.

  6. Bloody hell.

    I am going to show this photograph to Marcia. The most perfect breakfast.

    And then Marcia, ever reasonable, will say, 'This is Angola, where can we buy fish eggs?'

  7. Makes my Weetabix look a bit dull.

  8. Yum Cro, can I come to breakfast at yours.....

    Jo in NZ

    1. You'd always be welcome, but I can't promise the above.

  9. I like savoury things too. My favourite breakfast is a toasted onion bagel, with vegemite and slithers of cheese :-P

  10. Be honest. That's dyed Lumpfish roe and not Beluga, isn't it?

  11. I had to chuckle at your post--You know how many Americans like me love our peanut butter, I wonder if it goes with caviar? ;-)

    1. Lady M picked-up her bad habits whilst living in Washington as a girl. She managed to lose the accent, but not her love of 'Jelly and Peanut butter sandwiches'.

  12. Oh my mum would have been right there with you!!!
    I have memories of my dad cooking kidneys on a Saturday morning.....he would then build a sandwich that was eggs , bacon , baked beans and kidneys.......I can remember his happy face as he sat to eat it...with his two little girls watching him with eyes as wide as saucers!!!!

    1. I really must have some kidneys for breakfast; it's been ages since I had any. I'll go and add it to my shopping list NOW.

  13. Fish goo for breakfast...yum.

  14. Lady M you are wonderful!!!!this made a hard day start with a smile...Cro i imagine if you were breakfasting with me it would be way too early at 5am for your choice lol I do not think I could face it this early.Now maramalade and bacob, that is a topping on toast to die for !

  15. meant bacon ,although also not at 5am!

  16. I love 'jam' and peanut butter, but I also love kidneysandbaconandeggsandfieldmushroomsandblackpudding, but caviar sits in an uncertain place on my plate. I used to sell jars like the one in your picture all the time at Palms Delicatessen in Oxford, but the one time I could afford to pig out on Black Sea caviar, the waiter came back to our table in our Esfahan hotel to say there was none left. Actually nothing on the menu was available there. I do like your bone handled knife by the way.

  17. I have eaten caviar just once in my sorry life. LOVED IT. Why have I never had it again? Some questions are just too deep for answers

  18. I LOVE this exchange Cro! And speaking of PG Wodehouse, your blog description (the part about optimism) always reminds me of the drunken Gussie Fink-Nottle's speech to the boys school in Right Ho, Jeeves. "Always be an optimist, boys and ladies and gentlemen.." LOL

  19. I am not a caviar fan, so you can have my portion. I do like peanutbutter. And the bread in that photo looks amazing.
