Sunday 26 May 2013

Cro's Style Awards: No 1.

You have to hand it to them; these guys are seriously image conscious.

Those hats (Shtreimel), the long silky black coats (Bekishe), the pigtails (Payot), etc; only certain Amish groups even come close to such rigid adherence to a 'fashion' style. 

So, my first award goes to Israel's hyper-orthodox Hisadic Jewish community. Congratulations, I think you all look fantastic!
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  1. (Where's Waldo?)

    Pbbbt. Not a red necktie in the bunch.

  2. Not much room there for individuality is there - at least you wouldn't have to worry about what to wear every morning.

  3. What on earth is going on with the chap four rows up, third in from the right? He seems to be apoplectic!

    At least now I know where the inspiration for the Liquorice Allsort roll came from now...

    1. Groups of people doing the same thing are always interesting, because even though they are doing the same, they are all different in some aspect or the other. Individuality always wins over uniformity.

    2. He's just had his bottom pinched by the guy on his left!

  4. A Jewish friend refers to these folk as 'black hats'.

    Not exactly a Rio carnival, is it?

  5. They are so jammed in together...are they all dancing on the head of a pin?

    1. I think there must be some Hasidic culture of behaving like Sardines. Often in pictures they are noticeably huddled together.

  6. As a very very young teenager I fancied that I would like to marry a didn't occur to me that a Jew would not perhaps want to marry me...a Catholic girl....I thought that the clothes and the traditions were fascinating...and
    I had just read the Diary of Anne Frank so I was enthralled by anything jewish at the time......and looking at that photo I am reminded that most men look good in a 'uniform' of some description......

    1. The problem of marrying a Jew is that his children would not be Jewish. A 'Jew' (officially) is someone who's MOTHER was a 'Jew'; not FATHER.

  7. I'm wondering why amongst such a reasonably large group of young men, why are so many wearing glasses? Surely more than an average for this age group.

    Apart from the above note - just another tribe?

    1. Another tribe, but with a strict adherence to 'style'.
