Saturday 27 April 2013

Neolithic Stone Tools.

It isn't unusual to find Stone Age tools around here; in fact the fields are littered with them. One needs a newly ploughed field, a good overnight downpour, and in the morning (if you're lucky) they glint at you in the sunshine. 

This rather uninteresting piece I found yesterday. It's broken and bog-standard; not something to make a fuss about. But when I took Monty for a swim yesterday afternoon, there it was looking up at me from a freshly bulldozed bank, and I just had to take it home.

It'll go into a box with all the other bits and pieces that I've found, probably to be forgotten about for another 2000 years. 
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  1. I would treasure every single one of those finds!

  2. Just think - who was the last person to touch that piece of stone - mind-boggling.

  3. That's a great find - you must be getting blase with all that material knocking around!

  4. We have some stones like that too. Always fun to find a relic, no matter how unimportant it may seem.

  5. My father would find these in a newly plowed field, bring them in to put in his own shoe box. Amazing finds.

  6. I do like to imagine the maker of this piece, working away on it, and then using it as a tool. To be in the ground for so long -- or was it found by some guy 500 years ago and tossed back into the dirt? The age of it just astounds me.

  7. Sorry! When I first saw it, I thought it was a bit of old baguette! What a Philistine!

  8. Lucky, lucky you. I'm convinced that where we are has been inhabited since, well, forever, and those inhabitants surely left something's. But can we find it? One's it turn up in a fild or molehill. Nah. Nothing. Zilch.

  9. Apologies for slightly incoherent reply above. iPad doesn't like commenting here.

  10. What a treasure trove you must have now. We find a few relics from the early years as back when M M was built the homeowners used to burn or bury what they no longer needed.
