Sunday 28 April 2013

Best Kept Lawn Competition 2013.

There were just two finalists (competitors) in this years competition. 

Lawn A (Top picture): The Judges liked this lawn. It was quite tidy, with no lumps, stones, or bare patches. A good effort; it was awarded 7 points out of 10. 

Lawn B (Below): The Judges were a little disappointed with lawn B. Even though it was just a few metres from lawn A (on the other side of an orange wall), it had more bare patches than grass, lots of half-buried lumps of concrete, and deep ruts that looked as if they had been made by lorry tyres; it was awarded just 1 point out of 10.

So, this year's winner of the 'Best Kept Lawn Competition' goes to Lawn A (Top picture).

HANG ON A MINUTE: It has just been brought to the attention of The Judges that the terrible state of Lawn B was entirely due to the owner of Lawn A, who recently used it as a building site and rubbish tip rather than damage HIS OWN lawn. So, Lawn A has been disqualified.

The Judges consider this to have been a deliberate case of sabotage, and therefore, the owner of Lawn A has been banned from all further competitions.

No prize will be awarded for 2013.

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  1. oh dear. is the same bad neighbor who broke your water pump?

  2. Beautiful lawn A. The judges were right all the blame must lie with the Neighbour from Hell.

  3. Well the prize for the best neighbour goes to a guy named Cro who kept his lip zipped and didn't create a minor civil war over the whole thing. Honestly Cro....I don't know how you managed to keep calm over the whole thing.

  4. As I'm new to your blog Cro I don't know your history with your neighbour, but I sort of get the drift! Is lawn A his?

  5. Prize should be awarded to lawn B for valor and sustainability in adverse circumstances!! (you should win it for saint neighbor...)

  6. Grrr...maybe it's time for a big tall fence?? ;)

  7. Lawn B wins for shear determination alone! I predict a strong comeback in the next year. Tell your neighbor to "clean up his act " while you watch the mail for something to clean up yours. "Cro-Bar" soap has been reinvented !

  8. Hello again Cro. Seems I have misplaced your address. If you email me at I'll send another revised Cro-Bar for your review. Can't put your namesake out in the farmstore without your stamp of (dis?)approval

  9. Used to have a gorgeous lawn, went so far as to hire a service to keep it that way. I stopped all that nonsense when dogs and grandkids came into our lives.

  10. So Lawn B belongs to you. Poor lawn, but as what Donna said, it could make a come back next year or maybe even before the year ends. Your lawn doesn't look bad because grass are still growing. I think you just need a bit of mowing, watering, and gardening.

    SpringField Lawn Barber
