Wednesday 10 April 2013

Freddies Prezzies.

It's been a while since Freddie brought us a present. In fact I'd begun to think that his small-game-hunting days were over. 

In our pre-dogs days he would bring live mice up to the bedroom at night, which, according to the 'Wives Book of Daily Demands' (Burnt-Bra Publications), I was personally duty-bound to find and dispose of.

Fred is now an outdoor cat (at nights, anyway), and it's good to know that no mouse is safe within easy reach of the house.


And this, above, is where Freddie now spends his days; tucked up underneath the duvet on our bed. Good hunting Fred; and thank you!

STOP PRESS: And here he is again this morning, with another offering. He's just turned up with this trophy!

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  1. "Wives Book of Daily Demands" and "Burnt Bra Publications" made me giggle :) Thanks Cro!

  2. I've just added a third photo; I thought he merited the adulation.

  3. Aww, he's proud of himself! :)

    Good job, Freddie!

  4. One year I had a series of semi-live carps delivered to my kitchen by our matriarchal cat, Kizzy. I think she'd found an unguarded pond in the neighbourhood and plundered it with relish - either that or a local heron was dropping them to her on a pretty regular basis!
    I'm still not certain whether she expected me to cook them for her supper, but she was most certainly proud of her trophies and took great delight in watching them flap around on the kitchen floor.

    Despite my frantic ministrations they all died, often belly up in our kitchen sink!

  5. They are Freddie's contribution to the clan.
    I sometimes wish I had a cat again. Last week I caught three mice (in traps inside) in two days.

  6. Oh how I hate it when I step on these little prizes

    That soft, hairy squelch

  7. Did you make a big fuss and tell him what a good boy he is? He's only bringing you a gift. (laughing as I write this) Sue

    1. Of course, he always gets plenty of praise and an extra tickle.

  8. Good job's important for a cat to feel he/she earns his keep.

  9. I stand firmly with your Lady ... I like a cat who knows his responsibilities ... that tickle is well-deserved!

  10. He's back to home delivery to let you know he's not off his game.

  11. Our Max is afraid of rodents of any sort. Traumatized at an early age perhaps? Found a live mouse in the nursery so I tossed him in and shut the door, he yowled at the door so loud and would not allow me to touch him for days after. I had to trap the mouse myself.

  12. Had your meat for supper delivered have you ?

  13. Way to go, Freddie! It is good to know that you still have the mojo.

  14. 'Tis the season, Cro! Jo killed a mouse yesterday morning, and i opened the door to call out my praise and thanks to her. Last night, all three were outside in the night, and this morning, when i looked out at the rain, i saw a good sized mouse/small rat in Jo's usual display spot. I pet her and thanked her for keeping the yard safe. Jim went out first, sniffed at the mouse/rat, and then started pawing at it, expecting it to move. It didn't, and he went to toss it around. I decided i didn't need to see that, and when i looked out a few minutes later (couldn't help myself) Jim and mouse/rat were no where to be seen. Jim returned about 15 minutes later.

    I'm glad that Jo's instructed him to keep it away from me. I was half expecting him at the door, ready to bring it into the house.

  15. Oh, and in all my blathering, i forgot to congratulate Freddie. Well done!

  16. Nice work Freddie! Perhaps he'd like a trip to Canada? My four cats do nothing but stare at the red squirrel in our basement!!

  17. Good Kitty Kat!!! We had to give away our beloved Momma cat who was a wonderful mouser because we have Cat Killing Dogs. Never had this before. But the "adopted" dog can't seem to shake his hatred of cats. I miss the cats. Now we have to use mouse traps in the garage.
