Thursday 11 April 2013

Another confession.


With all the confessions I'm making recently, I'm almost experiencing what it must be like to be Catholic.

Back in around 1980 I spent a while living in England's Shropshire. My parents were both unwell and they had asked if I would go back to assist; which, luckily at the time, I was able to do.

We had a near neighbour who fancied himself as a Javelin thrower, and it was his wont to practice his art in our paddock. Someone throwing a spear around in your garden, and without having asked permission, is un-nerving, to say the least.

One morning I found him searching about in the longish grass, and asked him what he was doing. He'd lost his bloody Javelin, and his fruitless search continued until lunchtime.

Whilst he was away, I had a quick look myself, and was amazed when, almost at once, I saw a gleaming 'point' peeping out from under a tuft of grass; it was his bloody Javelin. I took it away and hid it in a shed.

He returned in the afternoon and continued his search. I said nothing, and months later used it as a fencing post.

OK, I was probably nasty, and I might even have deprived England of an Olympic gold medallist. But at the time, both he, and his behaviour annoyed me intensely.

I would now like to apologise.  


  1. Oh dear - do you think he suspected? Glad to see you are gradually clearing your conscience - this blog is rather like a confessional.

  2. I think that Health and Safety constitute mitigating circumstances. Say three Hail Marys.

  3. Cro, I think thta people of "a certain age" start to confess to all sorts of things,I am wondering is it a hidden cleansing need we have,I myself have been guilty od confessing lately.Funny old things aren't we.

  4. You seem to be doing a lot of apologising for past deeds cro boy

  5. I dont' think you need to apologize for confiscating a dangerous weapon that was being used by a trespasser on your property. I think you showed remarkable restraint in not inserting into a portion of his anatomy.

  6. and he Cro, on some distant blog I'm sure, is confessing and apologizing for having used your parents home without permission as his training arena! Kharma.

  7. Never mind you weeping into your cups over past misdeeds (I'd have bent it around his neck), I love the bronze. Once I am over the tiny hurdle of getting this place up and running, I shall start collecting them again. So long as they are looked after, probably safer than a savings account...

  8. I don't think the thoughtless twerp deserves an apology for that -what a cheek! Not to mention downright dangerous.

  9. I think many of us would have done the same thing. You probably kept him out of trouble!

  10. your neighbor problems go way back, don't they Cro?!

  11. An entirely understandable minor misdemeanour. Now to go back and read the last confession.
    You realise that your confessions tickle our own guilty consciences. You may stimulate a rash of 'em on other blogs...

  12. Hahahaha!!

    This made me laugh! Out! Loud!

    (Especially the apology.)

  13. I would have done the very same.

  14. Ha! You should definitely NOT apologize for that!
