Wednesday 27 March 2013

Misty morning walk; Spring 2013.

It's 7.30 am and there's a slight chill in the air, but the sun is showing through the early morning mist, which suggests that it'll be a fine warm day.

We walk through open fields, and the dogs have fun putting the bejeezus up a few surprised looking deer as the mist slowly begins to lift. 

Here is where I once found a perfect stone-age tool, not far from this ruin. Then, as we turned a corner, I noticed Monty's hackles rising and wonder what on earth he had seen.

Oh my god, it's the bloody bull. What's he doing here?  

Bok's the brave one of the two dogs, and went immediately to confront the old boy. Me; I turned around and slowly retraced my steps. I do know he's an old softie, but one ton of bull-muscle can be unpredictable.

So; another unremarkable early morning walk.

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  1. Gorgeous! What a beautiful place you live in.

  2. Magical and oh so beautiful.

    1. Elaine; did you know that your page is not accepting comments?

    2. Hello Cro, Sorry about the 'no comments', I decided that rather than carry the burden of guilt (for not having time to reply to them) I would avoid the problem. I now realise that was unfair. I will remove the block.

  3. Now that IS a load of old bull! He's magnificent - from a distance! I don't even like crossing the field nearby where there's often sheep, let alone sharing elbow room with something like that guy ...

    1. On a previous occasion, when he'd escaped, they were trying to get him back into his field when he became extremely agitated; it was quite a performance! If he's left alone he tends to be OK.

  4. We had a similar morning here. Beautiful but eerie

  5. That's a great photo of bull and dog. I have always been terrified of cows as well, and my fear has been recently justified by the attack of a cow on a friend of mine, which left him paralysed with a broken neck until surgery.

  6. I would blow that photo up's a delight x

  7. Yikes. Not what you want to see coming out of an early morning fog.

  8. Wow! What an amazing walk! And the bull is scary.

  9. Wonderful photo, one majestic bull and one majestic bullheaded dog.

  10. Did you have a red shirt on Cro...he is a huge bull and I would have done the same as you!

  11. Brilliant photo of Bok and Brown Bull. Your weather looks a lot better than ours.

  12. There is something wrong with this picture because I can't see any snow.....

  13. The first pic is marvelously evocative, and I love dog & bull!!
