Thursday 28 March 2013

1st Mowing of the Year.

Yesterday afternoon was hot, so out came the trusty Honda-engined mower, and the 'lawn' was given its first trim of the year with the collecting box off; there wasn't enough grass to bother with composting.

A couple of weeks ago I had brought the old gal out, cleaned her up a bit, and squirted some WD40 into her innermost workings; she started up almost at once and purred into action. Oh how pleased I was; there's nothing worse than machines that refuse to do what they're supposed to do!

Now all I need is for the old gal to behave herself, start every time she's asked, and deliver the perfect lawn that I desire (some hope!). 

Tidied up well, don't you think!

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  1. Oh Cro you are lucky to live where you pretty.

  2. That looks good - a long time till spring here.

  3. I'm looking out of the window at a lawn covered in frost!

  4. Thank goodness I mowed yesterday, as today it's raining.

    I take Lady Magnon to the airport in a while. She's off to Blighty for a spot of grandson-sitting. Cro'm alone again for a couple of weeks.

  5. The quality of your photographs has suddenly shot up - have you got a new camera?

    1. Just my old £70 Fuji AX200. I'm often surprised myself how good it is.

  6. W have exactly the same push mower as you :-) Good, arn't they :-)

    I did a cut two weeks ago - couldn't quite believe it - and since then have had nothing but snow, ice, frost etc.

    Your gardens look lovely.

  7. Fortunately for us the grass has yet to start growing because the temp is still below 10deg C.
    I don't have to do it as we have a very kind neighbour who does it for us :)

  8. There's just something about mowing for that first time of the year--Spring has really come for you! We're still working on it in my corner of the US!

    Enjoy your day!!

  9.'re cutting grass already. We're still dealing with patches of snow mould.

  10. Mmmm. I love the smell of fresh mown grass. Hate the smell of the mower though!

  11. Your garden looks just perfect -- I can almost smell that fresh mown smell... ;-)

  12. That looks so 'Springy'. I expect we'll have some long grass and weeds to tackle when we get back next weekend. I won't be able to relax until the garden is tamed again. Can't wait.

    1. It's surprising how quickly things get back into shape. A couple of days of warm weather, and you'll be done!

  13. Today was the first day i smelled spring in the air. Most of the snow has melted, and i'm hoping we're done with snow showers for a season or two!

  14. oh I've forgotten how that is! we are looking forward...quite a while I suspect... to having.."hot" the smell of new cut grass...lucky you!!

  15. Wow! with all the blogs talking about cold weather and snow I see you are well into Spring. It looks lovely in your garden.
    I've been hoping it doesn't warm up too much over there before we come as we love the cooler weather. With four weeks to go I have my fingers crossed.

  16. your grass is greener than mine! :-)
    We just picked up one of our lawnmowers yesterday from the repair shop at a whopping 167 $.
    You lawn is very pretty. I hope she will start up for you everytime. I hate pulling and pulling on the cord.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Grass and mowing sounds like summery bliss. I speak as one currently under an unseasonable 8 inches of snow - and unable to get our for the last few days. Thawing now thank goodness.
