Sunday 24 March 2013

Jonagold Apple.

The orchard expands.

I've been looking out for a Golden Delicious apple tree at my local DIY/Gardening store, but they've either sold out, or have given up selling them. So I've plumped for, what I believe to be, the next best thing; a 'Jonagold'.

Jonagold is a 1953, American produced, cross between the Jonathan and the Golden delicious apple, and has (I'm assured) conserved the best of both varieties.

An orchard should not only contain one's absolute favourite apples, it should also represent a broad variety of early/late eaters, cookers, and juicers. The fun of having plenty of apple trees is knowing that at least one or two will probably do well each year; although nothing (except figs) is safe here from late frosts.

I think I'll also plant another two varieties of cherry this year. I'd like to end up like my friend José, who has three huge trees that fruit in succession over a period of about 8 weeks. Wonderful.

My photo of the newly planted Jonagold was rubbish, so I've borrowed one (of its fruit) from Mr Google.

Anyone else out there have a Jonagold? Your opinion would be appreciated.


  1. In my youth we waited eagerly for the Jonathon apple season as we loved the crisp sweet/tart fruit but we rarely see them these days . They seem to have gone out of favour with the growers. My favourite these days is the Pink Lady but when you rely on buying them from shops you can never be sure of freshness and the promising perfect fruit on the outside often hides fruit kept in cold storage for long periods and full of brown spots on the inside.
    I wish we'd go back to only having fruit and vegetables available in their season instead of all year round due to storage or importing.
    Your orchard sounds delightful

    1. It should be good in time. I'm having to restrict my planting at the moment because much of the allotted area has to be dug up to install a 'septic tank' etc. Eventually it will probably contain about 30 trees.

  2. Hi Cro! Haven't dropped in for quite a while. Looks like you're going very strong. Last fall for my husband's bday I gave him a Jonagold apple tree. It's actually a dwarf. We have a yard that is enclosed by trees all around and we love to garden. So we chopped down all our trees so we could have some sun on the plants. After many years we thought it would be fun to try to grow some espalier fruit trees and train them to grow against the fence. I'm excited! By the way-trying to come to France for the first time at beginning of April. Will fly standby, goodie, as I work for the airlines. We're excited about seeing Paris for the first time. Would appreciate any tips!

  3. My two favourite places in Paris (and both reasonably quiet) are 1. The Luxembourg Gardens, where you will see some FANTASTIC Espalier trees (you'll probably have to ask, as they're quite well hidden). And 2. If you then walk back into central Paris down the Bd St Michel, just before you meet the Bd St Germain, on the right, is the Musée de Cluny; the little known museum of the middle ages. Wonderful. Have a good trip.

  4. We can buy Jonagold here to eat, they are very crisp and juicy. How lovely to be able to plant an orchard.

  5. Jonagold is Mr.T's favourite apple being juicy and full of flavour. A good choice.

    1. That's reassuring; I don't think I've ever eaten one! Thanks.

  6. I've not heard of that variety, but it sounds delicious. Looks pretty, too. I've had a variety of old apple trees in my various yards over the years, some good and some terrible. It's good to have fruit trees at home -- especially varieties that YOU get to choose.

  7. I've had Jonagolds, they are yummy.

  8. Cro, thanks so much. I just remembered to check your blog to see what you would say. Thanks so much for the great tips. They both sound so interesting. I was an art history major in college-so I'm going to lap all this culture/history up!
