Monday 25 March 2013

Dr Cro talks about Heartburn.

Do you suffer from Heartburn?

I have, personally, experienced this on a handful of occasions, and each time it was extremely nasty.

A couple of days ago I could feel an onset after having bent down to do some small task, and I couldn't remember what immediate action to take; so I went directly to my laptop, and Googled 'Heartburn'.  

Amongst the self-help solutions was to consume either chewing gum, toothpaste, lime juice, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, milk, ice cream, or even tahini paste. 

One person, however, said that she drank 'PICKLE JUICE', and proclaimed that it had an instant effect. I liked the sound of this one, so went directly to the 'fridge (where there was a newly opened jar of large gherkins), and I helped myself to a four or five soup-spoonfuls of the juice.

She was right; the effect was instantaneous. The heartburn disappeared.   

So, remember; if you suffer from heartburn, keep some pickles handy, just in case. It really does work!


  1. I've always found that milk works like a dream, Cro but you're right, it is not a pleasant thing to get.

  2. Interestingly, this is one of the reasons I adopted a low fat vegetarian diet. As soon as I stopped eating animal fats, my daily heartburn disappeared.
    I wonder if I am the only person reading this, whose face is screwing up in a peculiar grimace at the thought of drinking "pickle juice" I presume this is spiced vinegar? :-X

    1. The one I drank was a sweet, diluted, vinegar (I should think), and worked miracles. It wasn't at all unpleasant.

  3. I've never heard of that one. I sometimes (quite a lot actually) eat chalk in the form of Rennies, etc. That works too. Even eating an unflavoured lump of chalk would do it. The causes for me are manifold, but usually centred on fatty foods, beans, or anything milky before bed.

  4. For heavens sake. I usually turn to alka seltzer.

  5. As I have heart disease and acid reflux, chest pain usually means I go to the medicine cabinet for help.

    1. Heartburn and reflux seem to be much the same problem. Why not have a go at the 'pickle juice', the next time you suffer. I was amazed how quickly it worked.

  6. I have a lot, and I mean a lot of trouble with indigestion, so much so that I have sought help from the Doctor (not like me at all).
    He put me on some tablets that worked really well but after reading of the side effects I stopped taking them. I generally now rely on a product called Gaviscone but still do not like taking any type of medicine.
    I shall give the pickle juice a go.
    thanks for the tip.

  7. I suffer from psoriasis and eczema and recently discovered that diluted cider vinegar works wonders at reducing both the inflammation and the horrible itching that goes hand in hand with such ailments. Wonderfully cheap with no harmful side effects either.
    I'm wondering if the vinegar in pickle juice works similarly internally, although logically I'd have assumed it would have added to the misery of acid reflux. Must give it a go next time I'm suffering with it!

  8. Who would have thought? I'll keep this in mind. I don't get heartburn so much now I don't have a milky drink before bed so I am surprised that milk is listed as a cure.

  9. Fresh bread, loads of anything green (lettuce, sweet peppers, cucumber, whatever), a bloody great dollop of mayonnaise, sliced up pickled anything (gherkins are nice along with a few capers), sliced apples or pineapple chunks (whatever fruit is available), sliced cheese and a solid spoonful of local gindungu, the eyewateringly hot local peppers pickled in vinegar.

    A sandwich made of this and washed down with a beer does me the world of good. I feel better almost immediately although I do recognise the need to stick the toilet paper in the fridge ready for the following morning.

  10. If you had included a spoonful of Vindaloo paste, that would have been almost identical to my late Aunt Dolly's 'piles' remedy.

  11. The easiest way to identify which foods you may need to avoid, is to keep a food diary for one month and then when heartburn or any other digestive problem occurs that food will become apparent.

  12. Indigestion is thoroughly unpleasant. Never tried pickle juice, but got a few jars of pickled onions in the cupboard, so thanks for the tip.

  13. I'll add that to my 'Mum's Cures" library...thanks Cro.

  14. I have suffered from heartburn but, since I decided to give up wine for a while to give my liver a rest, and, stopped chocolate and cheese, I haven't had any heartburn ......trouble is, life is miserable !!!! haha
    When I go back to it all in a few weeks, I shall remember your pickle juice tip Cro. XXXX

  15. I have and it's awful... But it is made worse by the fact I am an intensive care nurse and can convince myself that I am having a pulmonary embolus

    1. On the few occasions of my having heartburn I also thought it was a heart attack... very nasty.

  16. I chew Tums, Cro...but love pickle juice ands will remember that one!!

  17. Wow, I never heard of pickle juice as a remedy for heartburn. I mean, it's an acid, right? Yes, I've had the problem for many years because of a hiatal hernia and a condition called GERD. So much acid bubbled up into my esophagus, the doc had to stretch it to break a stricture caused by scar tissue. Yeah, lots of fun. Now, I take a daily prescription medication, and things are mostly under control. When the indigestion pops up, I take a healthy swig of extra strength Gaviscon. But pickle juice? No, I've never tried that... (But I'm glad it worked for you.)

  18. Filed away for that "good to know, just in case" scenario. Thankfully, i've rarely experienced heartburn. Here's hoping now that i have a surefire antidote at the ready, i shall never need to use it!
