Wednesday 30 January 2013

The Story of Rory.

With the work being done in our barn, my new ride-on mower, 'Rory', was forced to spent the worst of the Winter outdoors under a flimsy, and hole-filled, car cover.

At times Rory has been invisible under two foot of snow, the poor boy has been pelted with hailstones, and he's spent countless days under pouring rain. In fact, he could hardly have spent a more taxing and illness-inducing Winter.

Yesterday afternoon was Spring-like and warm, so I decided to see what had become of him. I was expecting to find Badgers, Rats, or even Squirrels amongst his inner workings, but when I took off the tattered cover I was astounded to find everything much in order. He was even quite clean.

Then came the important bit. I had no doubt whatsoever that the small battery would be dead, but turned the key 'just for fun'. He started without even the slightest cough.

In appreciation of his courage, he is now, once again, tucked-up inside the barn (see above), where he is being pampered on the newly laid smooth concrete floor.

Thank you Rory; I love you!


  1. It most certainly IS a "man thing" and all the more splendid for that!

    Living in France I don't suppose there's much call for ruler-straight contrasted stripes - do you just rush about the lawns in a mad zig-zag, smoking and shouting at other drivers instead?

    1. A chap does have standards; even when living away from Blighty.

  2. You must be very proud ... as well you should be!

    1. Seeing as I've been having minor battery problems with the Compact Royce; I am extremely proud!

  3. So glad Rory is well. Ours is named Ralph and is horribly neglected. We use him to mow miles of fence lines we rarely change his oil and his outside is covered with rust and yet he runs year after year. He has a poulon motor if that means anything. Wish I had one inside me

  4. I haven't named my mower. I had some unkind ones for the lemon we bought at Sears and which they refused to acknowledge was a lemon, but that was many years ago now.

    I'm sure Rory is happy in his new home!

  5. a true and loyal friend, who much deserves his new home.

  6. It sounds like your mower is a real gem... you'd BETTER pamper it.

    1. ANYTHING that starts 'first go' is a real gem; I'm blessed.

  7. Our mower has a new, dry home too this winter! It usually suffers, uncovered in the rain, sleet or snow. We must do better as he does such a great job for us! I feel ungrateful; we haven't even named him.

  8. Rory is the best name ever for a mower...makes me smile...

  9. Our's was called Mac...but the mower drive died....
    So he's been replaced by Husky.
    But Mac lives on...he's had the encumbrance of the blade unit removed from underneath and is now grown up....
    he's become a TRACTOR!!
