Thursday 31 January 2013

Art Student Style Photos.

All this wretched stuff has now gone (thank goodness), but I've assembled these few photos that I took along the way.

They remind me of my student days, when we were constantly being given 'texture' projects.

And look; I'm still going around doing the same thing! 
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  1. Love the top one - it looks like sleepy cranes that have been snowed on!

  2. Obviously, you've still got what it takes!

  3. I like the logs...reminded me of dads woodpile. We lost all our snow yesterday and today....we're in a bleeding blizzard.

  4. lovely photos Cro. Snow is on it's way here again. Thank goodness the past couple days of rain had washed the last lot away.

  5. Some of the things we learned as students are well worth doing again. Great pics! I especially like the first one.

  6. enlarging the photos enhances the textures. oh, the exercises we art students were put through! but it's all about the 'seeing,' isn't it? You've still got an eye.

  7. I am still a student. I like the second one. Is that a cedar tree?

    1. I have no idea. As usual, I pinched a small branch, stuck it in the ground, and it grew into that!

  8. Great photos. Most of our snow has melted, as we've been having torrents of rain. More snow on the way soon.

  9. Gorgeous...I've been enjoying it in my neck of the woods...not wretched at all in my little book...
