Thursday 17 January 2013

Snowed-in again.

Bloody snow. Our internet connection has been on-n-off all day, as has our electricity supply; and our satellite TV and radio is predictably non-existent.

So, personally, I settle down with a good book, maybe eat a few walnuts, or just snooze.

Otherwise I just keep close to the fire, and have cake for tea. The bloody snow looks to be staying a while!

However, Lady M's happy; she's built a Snow-Thing-Person on the terrace table.

And, OF COURSE, both Monty and Bok were in great demand (from the local girlies) to do a spot of sled pulling! 

Iditarod, here they come.  I'll stay indoors by the fire, thank you!

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  1. Your lady is my kinda person. We don't get much cold weather or snow, but when we do get it, I can't resist going outside to build a snow person.

  2. You've certainly had a good downfall - we have snow here and its bloody cold. Glad the dogs are enjoying it - I think I'll stay with you by the fire.

  3. What a contrast. Blazing sun here of course. Actually, it was cloudy today and there were five spots of rain. We've had 7 spots in the last two weeks.

    Lovely images of cosy winter indoorness.

    1. Unfortunately littered with dog-drying towels..... the dogs themselves were outside when I took the pix.

  4. That's the brilliance of the dog. Can't see many cats pulling sledges!

    We have cold here today. No more snow, just lots and lots and lots more cold of the knocking minus double-figures kind.

  5. Snow is fun and amusing for a short while, but then it doesn't seem to acknowledge the "off" switch. Those wood-burning stoves are a great invention, and considerably more effective than the normal chimney, who seems to consume the heat, and deposit very little of it in the room. No such problems here. It is a gorgeous sunny, breezy day, and we are tempted to go to the park and observe the 6 pm standstill during the playing of the National Anthem. It's quite a spectacle.

    1. I presume it must be 'Thai another Native to the Mast Day'.

  6. Another shitty day in paradise here as well. Still, the builders are both here AND working!!!

  7. Our snow arrives tomorrow, I am told.

    1. My oldest is supposed to fly over on Saturday.... I expect it'll be cancelled. Bummer.

  8. Looks like great fun. Your fireside looks so inviting, I'd like to settle in for a good chin wag with you and M'Lady.

  9. That snow person has attitude.. even Monty and Bok are keeping their distance.

  10. Go with the flow (or snow) Cro!

  11. I'm with you and your choice to hibernate by the fire....let those silly people run around in the snow getting all cold and red cheeked.

  12. When I was younger, I loved to play in the snow. Now, I am the arena with some of the others, I would prefer the fire, some of your local wine and some great cheese with a great cracker and a good book.
    I hate to say it, Mr M, but I wish you could send us that snow, we are so desperate for snow and moisture from our terrible drought, that I would take it off of your hands, which I am quite sure you would gladly get rid of. :=}
    Try to have a great up coming weekend.

  13. I just tried to drive to our nearest town, but had to return after about 1 km. Roads are TREACHEROUS. I'm staying in!

  14. I trust the beeswax and mutton fat waterproofing worked on Lady M's boots?

    1. Yes, thanks for the tip. We shall be boiling them for soup later on tonight!

  15. Looks like a very fun day, both inside and out!

    I haven't made a snowman in a long time. I'll have to remedy that.

    Bet Bok and Monty slept well.

  16. You house is so cozy looking. The kids look like they are having lots of fun with Bok and Monty. We are expecting snow today also. After all that rain. But on the good side, we are supposed to (allegedly) have a week of sunshine!!
    My internet has been sporadic and phone service is non-existent. They are supposed to come out tomorrow and solve all our tech problems. Stay warm, Cro.

  17. I envy your snow. The last time it snowed enough to make a snowman here was almost 10 years ago. And we've seen nary a flurry for 2 years now.

  18. Nice snow fall.....for children and dogs. I would be inside looking out as well.

  19. We've been told for days to expect snow overnight -- but now it seems not ... it's cold though -- for England and dark. Your living room and fire are very inviting and it is charming to be able to look outside the window and see such a snowman and others frolicking in the white stuff. But I prefer the smell of wood smoke and something hearty simmering away...

  20. Looks like a wonderland. Can't remember the last time I was in snow - most likely 1974 when we took our parents down to Wellington to catch the ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pleasantly cool here yesterday (early 20's) - middle to late 20's for the rest of the week.

  21. Hey thank you for your comment on my new blog about our rescued kitty... Yup we have snow too, too cold to venture out...-30.
    Love the snow person!

  22. Oooh brrr!! Still waiting on the promised deluge here in the Midlands - I can't wait. Sigh. Keep warm!

  23. Snow due here any time now. I just sat and chilled in your house for twenty minutes. Lovely photos, thanks x

  24. Oh, it all looks lovely to me. .. a huge contrast to our blistering heat and bushfires. Wish I was there !!

  25. Snow always looks so romantic when viewed from afar (or from a screen!).

    (BTW, I again inadvertently deleted your comment on my blog. Sorry about that. I really shouldn't do it from my iPhone because it's too blasted tiny.)
