Friday 18 January 2013

A Walk in the Snow. Thursday 17th Jan 2013.

No comment..... No, honestly; I really have no comment.

I have to admit (as much as I hate to) that the snow has brought with it some really beautiful landscapes.

And, as the boys still need their early morning emptying walk, I was out there at 8 am; pocket camera at the ready.

It was a shorter walk than usual; only because the snow was so deep in places that I had difficulty walking through it. 

But, the boys enjoyed it; even if I was shivering by the time we reached HOME sweet HOME. Do enlarge the pix for a better view.

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  1. You got some outstanding pictures, Cro. The sky is wonderful.. They have that Wow factor!

    Great post!

    1. I would have been furious if I'd forgotten my camera. Pure luck!

  2. Fantastic sky - just think, if you'd stayed snuggled in bed keeping warm, you would have missed it. I hope the boys appreciate your venturing out in all that snow. It is pretty bad here today too.

    1. I've just come back from today's walk. No beautiful sky, same amount of snow, and everything very CRISP. I fear it'll last.

  3. I love snow in France (it means that we are quite safe from the military advances of Napoleon).

    We do live on an amazing little planet. I imagine that the dogs were grateful for not being Dachshunds.

    1. In 1812, when Napoleon waged his Russian Campaign, he lost nearly HALF A MILLION MEN. Maybe that's why he's still such a hero here in France!

  4. That sky is amazing but that orange wall hasn't faded at all has it.

  5. Amazing sunset. Your pictures are uplifting. I forgot to take my camera yesterday, and regretted it. Thought I might go back today, but alas, no sun this morning :o(

  6. Stunning phographs. Everyone likes my Cro Magnon Orange wall here, by the way, but I agree while here in a tropical environment it looks good, where you are an orange wall does stick out like a sore thumb!

  7. Lovely pics, stunning skies. Snow here too, people are sledging down the Tor. 2 years back, we spotted someone skiing down the slopes!
    Dogs love it, they're digging lots of holes.

  8. They are beautiful photos, and I'm envious of your snow! We have none here in my corner of the world, and I'd love some to change up the gray and brown there seems to be so much of.

  9. I have a comment on the first photo and its not printable...

  10. Gorgeous photos, Cro! Now I'm REALLY jealous of your snow! Send some westward, please!

  11. And now the bloody compact Royce won't start. How I hate winters; snow, the cold, cars, batteries, gloves, thermal vests, etc.

  12. Lovely photos Cro. Snow can be beautiful but a curse if you need to travel. You must be very disappointed if your son had to cancel his visit. Snow has now arrived in Wiltshire and we are forced to cancel a long anticipated visit to the Theatre Royal Bath with our daughter this evening. Bah!

  13. You need to get some street urchin to paint that orange out

  14. Very nice photos. Our snow will melt today, but it was beautiful while it lasted. I pulled a "Lady Magnon" and made a snowman! Couldn't help myself!!

  15. That's the best thing about dogs...they find joy in everything, as long as they're with you.

  16. Oh how beautiful......not the orange wall but the rest of the pics.

  17. Lovely sky pix. Orange wall, well, i think like Briony, my comment is unprintable.

  18. WOW! That sky is breathtaking. Too bad you had to put up with the cold to see it. But even the snow is beautiful. So pristine. (But I don't want any, thank you.)

  19. Ohhhh dear. I know how much you love snow. But isn't it pretty? :)

  20. beautiful long as you're going to have snow, you might as well find ways of appreciating it!
