Monday 21 January 2013

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside......

From Left to right. Cro, Harvey J, Ollie, Kimbo, Bok, and Monty. 

We had only just returned from our early morning walk, when the snow started falling again like crazy. Another few inches of fun for the boys, and another few inches of misery for me.

And only yesterday I'd had such hopes.... Bah; humbug!
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  1. I know how you feel - it just makes life so difficult - it was snowing all day here. At least the boys and dogs enjoyed it. Thank heavens for the store cupboards.

  2. Oh. Thank. You. Cro. You just had to end with the phrase "high hopes" when my brain was insufficiently caffeinated and now it's hooked. I'll be listening to that demonic homunculus singing about ruddy ants moving rubber tree plants and rams punching holes in dams all day.

    We have more of the white stuff here today too, along with rain, then hail, then sleet, then snow, then rain ...

    1. Geez....I wasn't thinking about that song at all until y ou brought it up Owl....and I unfortunately have the Laverne and Shirley version of it in my head (campy American sitcom from the 1970's)!

  3. Eh? I would have thought these were perfect conditions for a bit of fun!

  4. does make London look rather marvelous though!!

  5. cheer up Cro, think of the army of snow-people you can build.

    1. I have two small skivvies to do that for me! Thank goodness.

  6. That sledge to the left of the photo would be easier to push if it had runners...

  7. BRRRRR. I see you could relate quite well to my "cold" post for today. Time to break out the brandy.

  8. It looks like that in the field right now. Very pretty but fast turning to ice which ain't no fun at all and can kindly burger off sharpish!

  9. Brrrr! At least the kids can enjoy it! Ours finally is all gone. Just a memory.

  10. It's the same here. Some kids built a snowman round a corner in the middle of our single track road just for everyone's enjoyment.
