Tuesday 22 January 2013

iPad Era.

It's strange to think that my own parents, who both died in the early 80's, knew nothing of computers, digital photography, or the pleasure of Skype.

Nowadays the above scene is perfectly normal. In fact the quicker they learn to explore the possibilities of 'the net', the better equipped they will be for the future.

Harvey J and Ollie were swapping notes. They fly home this afternoon; I'll miss them terribly (and their dad).
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  1. I just love how the hand of one brother grazes the head of the other ...

  2. Me too. That's what I was going to say.

  3. That is truly a heartwarming photo.

    You asked me to say Hi to little Marta for you so I showed her your blog photo avatar thingummyjig and asked who she thought you were. Do you know what she said without hesitation? Pai Natal. Father Christmas!

    Isn't that sweet?

  4. I wish my son was still that age, I loved it.

    He recently helped me move some boxes and was baffled by my collection of "records". I think he thought I was joking when I said, you put them on a revolving table and a needle went round "in the groove"...

  5. The perfect mix of human and technology

  6. maybe it's time you moved to be closer to them

  7. My five year old granddaughter knows how to get to Netflix in a heartbeat on the ipad!!! I love this photo of your grandsons. I know you will miss them terribly.

  8. My nine year old son saw this picture and said "why are they swapping notes? They are sitting right next to one another!", when he and his brother did the very same thing not a week ago! In the hearts of all little boys there is an old man waiting to get out.

  9. Sweet photo, and i'm sure they'll be a bit sad to leave Grumpy, Lady M, Monty, and Bok!

  10. Safe journey to your son, Ollie and Harvey J.

  11. I was just talking with a friend about my great great aunt's memoirs and how much change she saw in her lifetime. My great grandparents road horses and buggies and had the first car in their little town. They also watched the first man walk on the moon.

  12. Love the photo! I remember, as a child, being amazed that my Dad grew up without a TV (he was born in 1930.) I just couldn't imagine it! But then, I grew up without a computer. :)

  13. It's amazing how intuitive kids are with all things computer, isn't it? Even our two-year-old grandchildren are perfectly at home with computers and iPads.
